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Dog sitting and dog is wheezing after being frantic and pulling HARD on lead last night. Please help.


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I'm dog sitting at the moment for my flatmate/landlord

She's a "pocket bully". She has short legs, a lot of muscle mass, a thick neck, and a short snout/face

I took her for a walk last night at 7pm once the weather had cooled. This dog pulls HARD when excited and she went wild for a cat sat under a car. She was trying to run and lunge and I held her back. To the point that she was straining and straining and I could hear her claws scratching on the pavement trying to get purchase

I took her home straight after because she was frantic and she pulled the last 10 minutes home because she was still so excited

Once home she panted HARD for like 30-40 minutes and for the rest of the night she was wheezing really horribly

I encouraged her to drink water and sat up half the night with her and she was still wheezing. It sounded a bit like when you have phlegm on your chest and you sound like a chain saw when you breathe until you cough

During this her belly wasn't heaving like she was breathing hard or fighting for breath and she appeared calm but she was awake and sounding like snoring

I felt so guilty and so scared she was hurt

I woke up this morning and she seemed herself. Excited and wagging tail at the door ready to go for a wee. We're now 24 hours later and her breathing is still a bit wheezy, it's audible across the room at rest but not the horrible chainsaw snoring breathing from last night. She's panting more on any exertion. I'm praying that it takes time and rest and she'll continue to improve. I've bought a harness today which takes a lot of my anxiety away that she isn't attached at the neck on the lead

I've decided no more walks for a few days and just out the door for toilet.

She's eating normally and not coughing after eating which is a good sign? I gently poked her throat and she didn't shy away

Her owner is in the mountains abroad and has no signal. Texted the dog walker today and he said she's making what he called piggy noises but didn't seem alarmed. Other people I've spoke to have just said "yeah dogs are idiots, a harness is a good idea, but I'm sure she's fine because she hasn't passed out and she is able to eat"

What should I look out for? Is she likely to be hurt? When is wheezing an emergency? I freaked myself out googling tracheal damage but I don't even know what vet she is registered at and owner is away until Saturday
How long did you have her for before this? Is her breathing noticeably different now to when she first came? The owner really should have given you the vet's contact details. In your place, I would ring round local vets, explain the situation, and ask if you could either bring her in or describe her symptoms to the vet. Yes, you may have to pay for a consultation, but the owner would presumably reimburse you and grateful that you took such good care of the pup.
How long did you have her for before this? Is her breathing noticeably different now to when she first came? The owner really should have given you the vet's contact details. In your place, I would ring round local vets, explain the situation, and ask if you could either bring her in or describe her symptoms to the vet. Yes, you may have to pay for a consultation, but the owner would presumably reimburse you and grateful that you took such good care of the pup.
Owner is my live in landlord, I've lived with the dog for four months. We've been just us no problem for 4 days. He didn't leave my contact details and I don't know where she is registered

She usually pants if she's excited and can snort a bit to the point where before this happened I used to call her miss piggy

I don't know if I'm being hyper vigilant but audible breathing isn't her usual

How much would it likely cost to get her checked out? I don't have a car to bring her to the vet

When I thought she was a bit sad and lethargic a while ago he was quite resistant to bringing her, saying there was nothing wrong
The average price of a vet consultation is a little over £50, though this does vary. You mentioned the dog walker - would it be possible for them to visit and see what they think?

It's quite possible that the heavy breathing is simply a reaction to the warmer weather - dogs can struggle a bit in warm weather, particularly short-nosed breeds.
The average price of a vet consultation is a little over £50, though this does vary. You mentioned the dog walker - would it be possible for them to visit and see what they think?

It's quite possible that the heavy breathing is simply a reaction to the warmer weather - dogs can struggle a bit in warm weather, particularly short-nosed breeds.
Thanks, I can do £50 for peace of mind

I've rang owner's mum and owner's ex who is familiar with the dog is on her way over to see her and check her out. And she'll know about what vet knows her etc

I think it's definitely related to her going wild on the lead as I've never heard this chainsaw rasp from her ever.
I hope she soon gets a clean bill of health and your mind is put at rest.
Yes fingers crossed all is well, please do let us know.

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