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I've done it!!


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This is my first post using my new laptop! My windows 7 dinosaur, although much loved by me was getting worse and worse, even the printer stopped talking to it:(...
So I bit the bullet did a bit of research then rapidly gave up as all the descriptions were translating as 'blah, blah, blah' in my brain, so I went to Argos, clicked on the cheapest one and here I am:D.
I went for a lovely dog walk and left it with my daughter and her friend to set up for me, my only stipulation was only accept what is essential, tape up the camera, turn off the microphone and don't let the AI trapped inside talk to me!!:eek::D
I came home and it looks just like my old one, screen wise, apart from the desktop now being empty and not full of files, (it's where I store stuff usually so I know I can find it again:p)
So day one I am calling a success! I'll worry about tomorrow when it comes, thank god for teenagers!!!:cool::D:D:D
Now the bonus in that is you went on a lovely dog walk :D congratulations on your new addition

as for the files on your old one, try emailing them to yourself then you can save them on the new laptop :D
What lovely teenagers! Maybe they could start a business doing this. I wouldn't know where to begin.
Now the bonus in that is you went on a lovely dog walk :D congratulations on your new addition

as for the files on your old one, try emailing them to yourself then you can save them on the new laptop :D

Ah, one step ahead! I have been putting everything from old laptop on to a stick over last few weeks as I feared my lap top would just die one day! I checked it yesterday and it's all on there, all a bit jumbled, but all there, phew!!
Now I had to promise not to fill up this one with all that stuff and just put on here what I need as I need it...:)
Yay! 'Well done'.
There is nothing quite as irritating to me than setting up computers/tablets/phone etc. OR trying to get one sorted when something goes wrong. I don't have any handy teens to help me out and OH is almost illiterate with these things so it is me who always have to get things done.
These new modern machines more and less do it themselves, so things are much easier than they used to least that is something :rolleyes:
Well done. I loved Windows 7. !

Me too!! I'm sad I had to update, the only thing that puts me off still using it( as it is currently still sitting underneath this new one:rolleyes:) is that it takes a good 15 minutes or so to warm up, do it's thing and be kind of usable!! Oh and it was sooooooo slow, but that maybe because I am constantly denying cookies and things so my daughter reckonso_O another thing I've had to promise, that I won't fiddle with settings unsupervised:p:D:D
I've been offline for nearly 2 days as the gottverdammten computer had a hissy fit. My appearances here may well be off-and-on for the next few days.

How I hate these things. Remember when they were going to make life easier?
Liked for the pithy comment, not for the IT troubles!
How I hate these things. Remember when they were going to make life easier?

I agree, modern technology just seems to make everything more difficult and take longer! I much preferred the simpler life before mobile phones and computers. I like having a pile of old photos I can still look through, I like getting letters and simply filing away paperwork that needed keeping, in a place where I know it is and I like looking things up in books and cross referencing, I don't like having to store everything on a stick or disc:mad: ah for the good old days...:rolleyes::D

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