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  1. Shalista

    feeding question

    So Freddie is a little piggy. again he was found wandering the streets of New York City at a portly 11.6 kilograms (or 25.6 lbs in freedom units). he's currently roughly a good weight at what I believe is about 5.4 kg or 12lbs. So obviously the poor boy doesn't know the meaning of the word...
  2. Shalista


    I've been posting so much (sorry about that) that I couldn't find the person who recommended it but my package of Skippers Flatties Cod Fish Skins came in today and it was a miraculous hit!!!! He gnawed away happily for a solid fifteen minutes on it. when the ends started to get soggy he'd hold...
  3. Shalista


    Baxter was claustrophobic. I don’t know if I ever tried a crate with him and it was a disaster or if I just knew it was a bad idea and never tried. He hated tight spaces. Elevators. Cars. Blankets over him. Clothes. Hated them. Freddie however is a different beast. The rescue said he had a...
  4. Shalista

    Teeth cleaning

    Looking for tips to clean Freddies teeth. rescue said they were a "stage 2 or 3 and will probably need a dental soon". they obviously have a ton of gunk on them. things I've tried: Hills sensitive stomach kibble not a factor. the pieces are so tiny he just swallows them whole no problem. no...
  5. Shalista

    Emergency help with raw feeding please

    So freddie has bad teeth. i knew that. i wanted to raw feed him some chicken to help naturally brush his teeth. so I normally gave bax a full chicken thigh when he was raw fed but I'm only supplementing freddie so I gave him a tiny chicken drumstick (think like chicken wings) welp. he gummed...
  6. Shalista

    Soft poos from a new rescue

    So most of you know Freddie's story from the other posts I've made about him. new rescue. got him Monday may 20. so almost exactly a week ago. when I got him the rescue recommended switching him immediately to Hill Science Diet Sensitive Stomach Chicken Flavor. I do not know what they were...
  7. Shalista

    Puzzle toy requests

    So as many of you know I lost everything in the house fire including Baxter's coveted toy collection. I'm looking to restock from scratch and I'm looking for tips. I have always been a HUGE advocate for play time even with well behaved dogs and especially puzzle toys. Baxter LOVED his Outward...
  8. Shalista

    Martingale vs choke?

    Hey so I am firmly in the positive dog training no choke/prong/e collars camp. however. the rescue that I got solomon from insisted that I take him home on a martingale which is a collar type I freely confess i'd never seen before. when I went to sign him up for dog training the training...
  9. Shalista

    Sad news and a request for help with door dashing and training a new rescue

    On May 2 we suffered a devastating house fire. my then-fiance (now husband) Joel jumped through a second-story window and was admitted to the hospital for two days with severe carbon monoxide poisoning. our beloved dog Baxter didn't make it. we are absolutely crushed by grief with the loss of...
  10. Shalista

    Having children with a guardy anxious dog

    Hey all, little bit of a background about me. (Some of you may remember me from the postivily board. i was a regular poster there years ago. good to see JudyN still kicking around!) I have a 10-year-old rat terrier named Bax that came from a puppy mill. he's overcome so many obstacles and I'm...