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  1. Tinytom

    Vomitting / raw diet

    I would say it's most likely something to do with the fluff you found.. the inners of a pillow I would watch him and if he vomits again get him to a vet as our jack Russell ate a small toy he had ripped up and some got blocked inside his intestines...I hope he is ok ...
  2. Tinytom

    Unable to walk

    OMG thank goodness you did not take the first vets must be mentally exhausted...please keep us updated when you can ...sending you all lots of love and stay strong vibes... Come on Oliver ...we are all rooting for you xxxx
  3. Tinytom

    Unable to walk

    I was hoping no news is good news ....xx
  4. Tinytom

    What do you feed your puppy?

    I use natures menu free flow mince for my deerhound boys and they have thrived can get all in one mince blocks too ...mine had ewes replacement powdered milk too for their bones please of your pup
  5. Tinytom

    Sore on dogs belly

    Could be a sting or has she been through long grass..could be a nettle or grass rash ...I always have piriton indoors... Keep an eye on it ...
  6. Tinytom


    I always had a large covered crate up with the door taken off it was covered with a blanket and my lot always took turns in going inside ...its when people leave their dogs locked inside overnight and then most of the day when its abused...used correctly they can be very useful... My deerhound...
  7. Tinytom

    The most beautiful hound mix.

    I fostered one many years ago ...he was lovely too ...havent seen one for years but must admit lurchers seem to be out of fashion around here all blooming Poo crosses ...
  8. Tinytom

    Sweet dog growling

    Could you either put a stair gate up so he can see visitors but no interact ..or put a lead on him when visitors come ...
  9. Tinytom

    Sweet dog growling

    I cant add anymore as Joanne F has explained so well .... Great that your boy growls and doesn't just snap .... Good on you for taking him on
  10. Tinytom


    @Flobo the crows here are huge and remind me of old fashioned school masters in their black gowns...:D
  11. Tinytom


    I too have crows and jackdaws that come into the garden ...sometimes there are 15 corvids eating alongside sparrows , starlings and pigeons much to my neighbours disgust .... I also have at least 20 herring gulls that I feed each morning as we bought up one fledgling 10 yrs ago and they all...
  12. Tinytom

    Dog breeding dream - Reality check?

    She states she has been rescuing them for years fallen head over heels for them but cannot find a breeder over here ....why would you want to if you were already rescuing them ...doesn't make any sense to me ....
  13. Tinytom

    Dog breeding dream - Reality check?

    Have you been rescuing them from abroad ...can I ask why you would want to breed them when you are rescuing them .... There are so many guarding breeds in rescue now ....
  14. Tinytom

    Unable to walk

    I am so sorry this happened recently to my mums staffy she was around 9 yrs old ... Have you asked for a MRI as a Xray will not show up soft tissue damage or trapped disc....
  15. Tinytom

    Help & Advice Desperately Needed Please!!!

    Dogs trust will not take a dog with bite history
  16. Tinytom

    Help & Advice Desperately Needed Please!!!

    Is there anyone else that can take her short term ...most rescues will not take a dog with bite history..I am so sorry the only person I know that maybe able to take your dog is Rescue remedies...
  17. Tinytom

    Foster boy

    Teddy photo bombing ..😃😃😃😃
  18. Tinytom

    Foster boy

    They have been great with him ....he is never left alone with them ..and he tells them off if they do something he doesn't like especially if he runs and teddy thinks it will be fun to try and grab his tail .. 😃
  19. Tinytom

    Foster boy

    Well he has certainly come to life ..has been playing tug of war with my mum today and had a run around the garden this evening ..real Zoomies ...he can certainly run even with unsteady back legs 🤪🤪
  20. Tinytom

    Foster boy
