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Recent content by Ari_RR

  1. Ari_RR

    Sign of affection and love

    This occasionally scares the heck out of small dog owners encountering Miles and his friendly friends... But it's a sign of love and affection (and not an indication of a hungry dog).
  2. Ari_RR

    Miles and friends - Bouviers

    There is something slightly intimidating about Bouviers, but under all that hair they are really sweet. We have 2 grey boys and a white girl in the circle of Miles' friends. Unlike Miles, they all enjoy cold weather.
  3. Ari_RR


    Brilliant! Congrats!
  4. Ari_RR

    Miles and friends - for poodle and labradoodle fans :-)

    Boys having fun :)
  5. Ari_RR

    My dog died 2 days ago

    Very sad. Hugs.
  6. Ari_RR

    Another year!

    Snow came. Big hairy ones love it, Marvelous Baby Miles - not so much. Miles and all his friends would like to wish everyone a very happy, healthy and safe 2025! Schools are closed for the winter break, so dogs can enjoy football (soccer) field without having to coexist with kids playing. Here...
  7. Ari_RR

    I found some photos of my lad...

    Love it!! How about this one (going back to the very beginning) ?
  8. Ari_RR

    Son Scared Of Assistance Dogs

    I can say that parents of disabled children are under a lot of pressure and stress 24x7. Maybe even more so when there are no visible physical disabilities, which would let me believe it might be cognitive... sometimes it's especially hard being in public places, sometimes it just reaches the...
  9. Ari_RR

    Long hikes are tiring...

    Good time, but tiring. The entire hike up the mountain and back down to the car took about 6 hrs. Baby Miles needed a nap along the way.
  10. Ari_RR


    Bummer... :( But tomorrow will be another day, who knows what it will bring, maybe something good. Meanwhile, what's so bad about advertising? I would think finding care work or a teaching gig would take time too...
  11. Ari_RR

    The pain won’t subside. I can’t see past this loss.

    Time is the best healer, but it works slowly. What helped me to some extend when my beloved 1st boy died was talking about him, to pretty much everyone who knew him. Thankfully, people had enough patience to listen to my stories. We kept his ashes in the little urn, and every now and then I pick...
  12. Ari_RR

    Miles - hard to be the only adult in the neighborhood....

    Kids of all kinds are everywhere. But Miles is standing up (or rather laying down) for sanity and dignity of grown ups...
  13. Ari_RR

    Please help me before my husband gets rid of Sid, our new dog.

    Wow, things may be turning around, that's awesome. I was going to suggest neutering the husband, but looks like this may not be necessary after all :cool: Jokes aside - avoid human arguments, they really throw sensitive dogs off their tracks...
  14. Ari_RR

    More of Baby Miles

    Nice to see him active outside. Soon it will get warmer, and walks will become mostly slow strolls with lots of laying in the grass and sunbathing. We often meet others who are "working hard on not jumping, not running around, not this, not that, not the other thing." My head agrees with all of...
  15. Ari_RR

    Baby Miles - Spring is here

    Finally, warm and sunny :cool: