The breeder registers the litter being born but you register once ready to race but local club will help with registration.
Most clubs are very helpful with training pups and are welcoming to new comers, my mum (Karen) and our family run Shirebrook and would be very willing to help u out as...
Did the pedigree work?? Could u get onto it?? Never say Never has sired some beautiful looking pups, my mum (his owner) has also got a pup out of him and trialling very well. If u want to know anything about him, ask away x
Which bitch are u thinking of having one from??
bloody hell, i only wanted to find out if i had to go for a couple of trials with the pups out of the curved traps, didnt wanna start a war lol :teehee:
awwww thanks Andrew n i'll give u bloody curved, ur only saying that because i said i'd have to come to oldhall every week until the puppy champs to train Thunder lol :thumbsup:
so if a 5th trap is not available through oldhall club, is it not down to the BWRA committee to find a 5th trap to adhere to their own rule???? sorry if i've opened a can of worms but as i have a newly schooled puppy, was just interested as i believe the curved front traps take some practise for...
I agree with u Karen, surely a club could lend a 5th trap or is there no one local that has a trap of there own willing to lend it for the weekend to make a full set of straight fronted traps, if this is a rule that was voted in. :thumbsup:
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