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Recent content by emw

  1. E

    Ticks****** Shudders******

    (w00t) (w00t) Only in Australia!! Where the rest of the world has "nasty little critters" - Australia has "nasty little KILLER critters"!!!! :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:
  2. E

    Ticks****** Shudders******

    ARGH! That's it - my two are wearing WELLIES when they go walkies!
  3. E

    A Walk Along The Cliff Tops

    Me too! The lure of Steve's photos - wouldn't have thought of going on holiday there without seeing them! :thumbsup: :D :D :D
  4. E

    Ticks****** Shudders******

    :x :x :x I feel sick! Dermot had one years ago - we burnt it off and then put TCP where it had been. URGH! Why do these things EXIST!???? :x :x :x
  5. E

    German Shepherd Puppies

    Lovely puppies :wub: and lovely kids too! :D
  6. E

    Advise Needed

    Crates are great! I would get one instead of the plastic bed. We get hold of old carpet and use it on the bottom of the crate - if it gets yukky you can just throw it away and put in a new pit. We then fill the crate with blankets from second hand shops! Go and buy all the blankets you can...
  7. E

    Sad / Stressful Time

    Well done on making the really difficult decision about Blue - how fantastic that he's gone to what sounds like the perfect home for him! Good luck with the new pup - hope it all works out well for you! :luck:
  8. E

    Poor Peter....

    Dermot had a nick that looked a similar size to that but we cleaned it ourselves and decided not to get it stiched. It healed fine but you can still see the scar now (in a similar place too). Poor Peter though :wub: :wub: :wub:
  9. E

    Loving Home Required!

    It's like k9 dog pass the parcel around here at the moment! :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:
  10. E

    Look Who I Met Today

    CONGRATULATIONS MOO! :cheers: Lucky lucky you - what a beautiful pair of whippets - they look brilliant together :wub: :wub: . Hope he continues to settle happily. :thumbsup:
  11. E

    Last Chance To Enter The Photo Competition ...

    I think that tomorrow is the last chance to enter the photo competition - so get those last photos in!! :D And get voting everyone! :thumbsup: :p
  12. E

    I Can't Keep Clara Or My Puppy Byron Any More...

    Really glad Byron's got a good home to go to - and so quickly too! Good luck with Daisy and PLEASE don't stay away - the more people that input into k9 with the most different views the better ... we just all need to try not to take things too personally!
  13. E

    Otty The Deerhound

    Am cracking up over this thread! :lol: :lol: :lol: More photos! More stories! PLEASE!!! :D
  14. E

    Loving Home Required!

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Excellent! I think you should compile a book of names!! :D (Sounds like you should start sticking the stamps on Meg Moo - ready to post her up to Scotland!! :- " )
  15. E

    Our New Addition

    WOW!!!! I did a complete double take when I saw this thread!!!! That's FANTASTIC!!!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! But I still can't believe you've just gone and got another whippet after all those protests!! If Archie can't stand it he can come and live with us! :D :wub: