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Recent content by hollyvictoriab

  1. H

    Introducing Kittens

    My kitten Elmo stuck to Pixie like a magnet from day one. I was very careful, never left them unattended together until Elmo had increased in size significantly and they were provong to get on fine. I was worried about Elmo attacking Pixie in my abscence and consequently getting hurt, but elmo...
  2. H

    Pixie And Elmo

    A couple of pics of poor Pixie when I first brought Elmo home. As you can see she wasn't totally sure about him back then!!!
  3. H

    Pixie And Elmo

    Thanks Elmo has loved Pixie since he first set eyes on her.... which was a bit scary when introducing a tiny kitten to a whippet!! But Elmo seemed to have no fear, much to my horror, and refused to adhere to my slowly slowly introduction technique. I have had Saffy Cat, my perfect British...
  4. H

    Pixie And Elmo

    one more....
  5. H

    Pixie And Elmo

    Just thought I would add a couple of pics of Pixie and her friend Elmo ;)
  6. H


    HI I am a whippet owner, but have a friend in the Devon area looking for a really nice black lab bitch (puppy). Does anyone know of any good bloodlines? He is most interested in good health and a nice temperament. It will be a pet, not a show/working dog. Thanks!
  7. H

    13 Weeks To Young To Start Obedience

    Hello!!! Have you tried contacting any training centres? I started enquiring when Pixie was 12 weeks. I was asked what breed she was. When I said she was a whippet the man laughed and said although most breeds would be ok, as she is a whippet he would forget it until she was at least 20...
  8. H

    This Months Adventures

    What wonderful photos!!! :wub: What a lucky lady Penny is for getting to go on such amazing walks (w00t) Hope Penny wasn't too traumatised by the horrible dogs :wacko: Must get some pics of my Devon Pixie up soon!
  9. H

    Bailey Passed Today

    Sorry to hear this. Glad he went peacefully. It's always so sad saying goodbye :( best wishes
  10. H

    Too Hyper - Please Advise

    Wow what a good idea!!! I think it would be excellent to instill in children how to look after a dog or any animal responsibly, well before they are old enough to get one themselves that they are totally responsible for. Good luck with that ;)
  11. H

    Something A Little Different

    Hi, thanks for that Yes I've had a look at the cats protection and blue cross websites. They don't seem to have any british shorthairs or similar crosses in at present. I know it sounds like I am being picky, but Saffy, my cat, only gets on with other low activity cats, she gets very worried...
  12. H

    Too Hyper - Please Advise

    Apologies my computer is playing up! You didn't need that 3 times!! :wacko:
  13. H

    Too Hyper - Please Advise

    My whippet was like this too. She is a year old now and slowly improving.... I have to admit I have always kept her on a lead in public and tried to be firm at stopping her jumping up. I think that if someone then chooses to approach her and encourage her attention, then it is not so...
  14. H

    Too Hyper - Please Advise

    My whippet was like this too. She is a year old now and slowly improving.... I have to admit I have always kept her on a lead in public and tried to be firm at stopping her jumping up. I think that if someone then chooses to approach her and encourage her attention, then it is not so...
  15. H

    Too Hyper - Please Advise

    My whippet was like this too. She is a year old now and slowly improving.... I have to admit I have always kept her on a lead in public and tried to be firm at stopping her jumping up. I think that if someone then chooses to approach her and encourage her attention, then it is not so...