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Recent content by Janet

  1. J

    Good citizen dog scheme

    If you go to the Kennel Club website you can download all the information as there are basic questions that you have to answer as well (not difficult about basic stuff like essential things you have to provide a dog with - food, water, bed etc). One thing you have to remember is poo bags as you...
  2. J

    *** New Litter Announcement ***

    They are al absolutely scrummy :)) Hope there will be lots of updates of them as they grow.
  3. J

    Lurcher Shows

    Hi, I've just taken on a beautiful year old lurcher from the RSPCA who I think is absolutely stunning. I would be interested in going to a few lurcher shows but wondered if I can show him because he's been neutered?
  4. J

    Flying Whippets

    Love the pictures - the 4 legged fliers look a little more agile than the 2 legged :-
  5. J


    I recently contacted the RSPCA because a poor little Staffy bitch in a pitiful condition was tied to the playground railings opposite where I live. They wouldn't have anything to do with it at all and told me they don't collect strays even if they clearly are a cruelty case. I took on a...
  6. J

    Claudia X Pyrate Pups - 3 Weeks Today

    OMG they are so plump and gorgeous!
  7. J

    Swimming & Schooling

    Love the pictures - the first and second dogs expressions look just like mine when I think I'm never going to get across the width of the pool!! :D
  8. J

    Hillsboro Brag

    What a star Melody is! Well done to both of you.
  9. J

    Feeding A Forever Hungry Whippet!

    I buy the frozen fine green beans from Tesco which are £1 a bag and also their mixed veg which is brocolli, cauliflower, carrot and peas which fill my little porker up. I also feed 3 times a day which I think stops them getting so hungry as the food is spaced out during the day - breakfast...
  10. J

    Aslan No Apology

    OH WOW he is absolutely gorgeous!
  11. J

    What Am I Going To Do With Him?

    I used Gelsenium by Dorwest Herbs for one of my boys who was being a real pain and it worked really well. As its only a herbal remedy I am sure it would be allright on a 10 month old boy but if you ring Dorwest Herbs they are really helpful.
  12. J

    Used Stamps

    I already have quite a large amount that I've been saving and would be happy to post them to you if you want to PM your address.
  13. J

    The Dreaded 'insurance' Subject......

    I have 5 whippet boys ranging from 7 years down to 18 months and my Tesco renewal came in at £88 per month! I have always been with Tesco since getting my first boy, however I shopped around and I'm now with LV (also do my house insurance) and its £62 per month for all of them with the same...
  14. J

    Puppy Classes

    How about contacting your local council to see if they have a dog warden because they should know about training classes. "Boinging" along is a natural whippet puppy gait and I think that once you get her out she will be so curious and intrigued by everything that she will walk along beside...
  15. J

    I Can't Believe Im Writing This......

    She is absolutely gorgeous and I've really enjoyed reading of her exploits over the last year. My boy, Jimmy, is now 18 months and I've often smiled when you've been tearing your hair out because I've done exactly the same thing - my other 4 together were never as cheeky as him :lol: