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Recent content by jayp

  1. jayp

    Brain Tumor?

    So sorry to hear you having such a horrible worrying time, just wanted to say how sad it is
  2. jayp

    Parade Of Rare/endangered Breeds At The Houndshow

    Im glad they invited the Silkens....beautiful hounds and a delight to see them along with my other faves the Azawakhs Personally I dont care whether the KC recognises them or not, just delighted to be able to see a few around the show
  3. jayp

    Greyhound Blog - Hilarious

    Thats just so funny...giggled a lot
  4. jayp

    Suspected Steroid Responsive Meningitis

    So sorry you have all had such a horrible time. It sounds like SRM to me especially with the rapid improvement after the steroid Jab, hence the name Steroid Responsive meningitis. It is known in whippets. Usually but not always a course of steroids over a period of months is required , this is...
  5. jayp

    Returning Member Saying Hi

    Welcome back....wishing you every good thing deserve it x
  6. jayp

    New Whippet For The Rixons

    Im interested too....
  7. jayp

    Micro Chip Legislation

    No system is going to be foolproof and of course you will get the odd ones that have moved house etc. But come on what alternative do you suggest? All mine are chipped , the chances of recovery if they are lost or stolen is so much higher. As a breeder surely you would want the phone call that...
  8. jayp

    Canine Lupus

    Have sent you a PM Jan x
  9. jayp

    Canine Lupus

    Sorry to hear about Hector...yes I had a whippet with SLE Any questions and I will glad to try and help Jan
  10. jayp

    Advice Please. Warring Whippets.

    I would certainly try whippet rescue as they may have homes waiting, wish you all well x
  11. jayp

    Advice Please. Warring Whippets.

    So sorry the situation cant be resolved in the way you would want. Sometimes its best for both dogs to find an alternative . Very upsetting for you though, you have done your very best which is all anyone can do. Good luck with finding a special home for one of the girls
  12. jayp

    Flirt 2x Best Baby In Group

    She is her congrats
  13. jayp

    Advice Please. Warring Whippets.

    Good tolerance to mounting, growling , guarding ...all from day one.
  14. jayp

    Specialist Vet Needed Mike has treated Greys and whippets years , people travel a long way to see him Good Luck
  15. jayp


    If this has been diagnosed I am pretty sure its now treated with the addition of fatty acids to the diet. The one whippet I know that had it has recovered completely. The outlook can vary considerably...some breeds are very prone to this problem Here is a good link...