Agree totally i dont see the need for greyhound blood being used all the time just an example one of the most respected and sucsessfull breeders and racers of all time who by the way has TOP OPEN class greyhounds dont feel the need to use them generation after generation they use whippet blood...
1. Best bend race
South coast scr Sup final all four dogs going over the line within 2 yard of each other
2. Best straight race
Gold run v Six semi final english derby
3. Best bend event
South coast scr
4. Best straight event
Scottish derby sheer class
5. Best atmosphere bend/straight...
Lets see your veiws on the 10 of the Best of 2008
1. Best bend race
2. Best straight race
3. Best bend event
4. Best straight event
5. Best atmosphere bend/straight
6. Most improved dog/bitch/scr
7. Best dog
8. Best bitch
9. Best scr
YES fine i would rather look for homes myself than have any dogs PTS that dont need to be at the end of the day we are all dog lovers and our dogs are PETS first and im sure you have stated the same yourself in the past
gary + 55lb or - 16lb thats the risk we all take some dogs get passed from pillar to post even when they are within the weight limit is that a welfare issue ?
i dont see your point here what happens to all the dogs that dont make the weight too small or are NOT fast enough to open race round the bends, does not mean they have to be pts do what we do keep them or find a good pet home.
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