im afraid I don't trust any dog when im out :(
even labs & bassets & I own both breeds of these dogs
just because I own them it doesn't mean that other peoples
will be ok with other dogs I have seen some very out
of control labs & bassets & not very friendly either
like I say it all how...
yes apparently the women is known to the police
but they haven't managed to catch her yet
she always seems to disappear
I have given a statement
I'm just playing the weighting game now :ermm:
& I know akitas can be quite nasty
I was told by guide dogs that they are the most common dog
about 3 months ago ziggy my guide dog was attacked by an out of control
Japanese Akita that got out of its loosely fitted harness I might add
& pinned her down to the floor without warning
on 3 attempts to attack her if it hadn't been for me literally having to
drag ziggy out from under...
that's great feel free to contact me anytime I hope the advice helps
did I give you my facebook link
here it is anyway I can't remember if I gave it you
:) )hello love how are you with sitting on the floor if you could sit on the floor on a cushion and just have him sit next to you in his own time don't force him just let him come to you on the certain days he doesn't want to then fine just leave him be if he is food orientated then let that...
hello as you probably gathered i am a basset hound owner and i would love to talk to other basset owners
i even made up my own forum for basset hounds & hound dogs as well i was so sick of going on forums for basset hound owners and everybody was so bitchy and i couldn't cope with it i can't...
you may as well call me a newbie i joined up for a while ago but not long after i joined i lost my t beloved dogs within 6 months of each other so i didn't really come on untill now so hi hello and welcome newbies
there is someone i know who breeds them they are superb dogs he has just bread his bitch his last litter looked gorgeous i can give you his contact details if you like he is on facebook
here are a few i have thought of
all dogz grooming
the dog saloon
The wet dog grooming
my pampered pooch grooming
happy dogs grooming
good dog grooming
it's all about dogs grooming parlour
bubbles n all dog grooming
this is just a few i can't think of any more hope they help
sorry i also forgot to tell you i am visually impaired and have a guide dog called ziggy she is my fourth guide dog before her
i did have a german shepherd as my third guide dog but i'm afraid our partnership didn't work out so she had to go back to guide dogs before her i had fern which was my...
hello love can you tell me what your limitations are i don't want to be telling you what to do when you just can't do it he sounds like he has been through the wars poor boy
i don't own rescue bassets but i used to breed them and decided a while ago not to do it anymore as i couldn't always...
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