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Recent content by pippywhippet

  1. pippywhippet

    Clothing for bulldogs

    Hi :) Equafleece do specially shaped jumpers for bulldogs/ bull breeds etc
  2. pippywhippet

    Sudocrem- yes or no

    Hi- yes its fine for dogs :thumbsup: But I usually use medical grade Manuka honey on anything that looks a bit inflamed- it fights infections and reduces the need for antibiotics. You can buy it quite cheaply on ebay. Has he maybe got a spike of blackthorn in his leg? Its horrible stuff...
  3. pippywhippet

    Bad reveiws on bakers

    Independent review here :)
  4. pippywhippet

    Dog not eating her food

    If you are swapping her food you need to do it really gradually or a sudden switch from one food to another can be whats making her sick. Bakers isn't a good food- go to whichdogfood to look at independent reviews and help choose another brand if you are wanting to swap. Some pet stores will...
  5. pippywhippet

    Help for those wanting to rehome dog

    free to good home
  6. pippywhippet

    Whippet acting strange at night

    Can you put his bed in your room so he is with you at night? He sounds anxious and might benefit from being close to you.... especially if his sight is failing :(
  7. pippywhippet

    Dog help!

    A cocker x poodle will be a lot bigger than a cavalier x poodle. I would worry about all the health problems associated with Cavaliers, though, especially if they haven't been health screened as I would hope from a breeder of pedigree Cavaliers. If you are worried about your family member with...
  8. pippywhippet

    Can anyone recommend dog books for children?

    Hi- yes Alfie dies in Born to Run :'( "Shadow" lives and the ending is a happy one. It is very dark at some points but for the people, (not the dog) in the story. Good luck with your pup. Sounds like you are all going to have lots of fun ^_^
  9. pippywhippet


    Have the SSPCA given you any info on him? Just looks like a staffy to me. Never leave the dog alone with the kids, train and exercise him well, and make sure the kids do not tease or harrass the dog and there should'nt be a problem whatever breed he is. He looks a lovely boy but seems sad to...
  10. pippywhippet

    Grass rash

    Hi its very common - you can use Sudocreme which will help. It should go away if you keep them off the grass. It seems to be worse at certain times of the year.
  11. pippywhippet

    Can anyone recommend dog books for children?

    What about "The Incredible Journey" or "White Fang"? I loved "Born to Run" but sobbed when Alfie the greyhound got shot :'( Oh- I forgot. What about "Shadow" which is another Michael Morpurgo book. It also combines war (albeit a modern theme with the Taliban, Afghanistan crisis and...
  12. pippywhippet

    What breed is this mixed pup?

    Merle is a colour, not a breed!
  13. pippywhippet

    Best training method for whippets?

    Hi :)) I think the best method with training is to keep it fun and reward based- very short sessions only, especially to begin with, as they get bored quickly. I've heard many people recommend the Perfect Puppy book you mentioned. I'm not sure if they are naughtier than other dogs, but its...
  14. pippywhippet

    Whats the law on this?

    :o Oh no!! Well if it was my fence and my dogs at risk I would be out in the garden with them at all times with something like a walking stick in my hands so if the staffies broke the fence at least I wouldn't have to use bare hands to protect them! <_< I'm sure the law would support you...
  15. pippywhippet

    Weechon random crying, misbehaving and breathing fast

    Panting and licking can be signs of pain. I would be taking her to the vet and getting her looked at. They cannot refuse to treat a sick animal. Will they consider a direct claim from your insurers if you can't pay up front? Just to add that if you've lost your job would you be eligible for...