At the scrawny neglected looking stage and we've well and truly hit adolescence so the big wide world is far more interesting than me at the moment meaning more boring lead walks (especially as I really don't want him to discover hares exist and they're everywhere at the moment!)
11 months old
It is, taken Kipper a few times since we got him to try and normalise all the animals and gets him used to other kids too I guess. The animals will all still come and take food from the kids so don't seem that bothered by dogs either. Only £3 per car which includes a free hot drink and they work...
We're lucky enough to have a small petting farm near us that is dog friendly.
I'd never trust him off lead around livestock - a moving animal is obviously different to one chilling out behind a fence - but it's a handy place to practice being neutral around a variety of different animals and...
He's funny because in the house the kids are too much for him really, he will keep out of the way if they're too loud, but outside he follows them everywhere or runs between us and hates if he's on lead and can't reach them.
No chance of losing the kids when the puppy is about. I probably need to work on it a bit as he really doesn't like them going out of sight on a walk but at least I'll always know where they are
Some people I know have their own woodland and have just given me the gate code and said I can take my dogs anytime for a walk when the nursery aren't using it
A whole 20 acres of forest to ourselves best present ever
We got super lucky. Weren't even specifically after a lurcher just asked the rescue to let us know anything kid friendly/dog friendly, not a herding breed and vaguely dog shaped (ie no brachy breeds). Didn't actually think anything would come up but they offered us first refusal when he came in.
Puppy had a couple of days in the Lake District at the weekend learning lots about water, and cows, and cafes. (and that not all sofas are also dog beds since we stay with my nan in the Lakes and she doesn't like the dogs on the sofa so I spend most of the time sat on the floor ). He ran...
He's not concerned at all about people near him while he eats, we've only got the kitchen really to feed him in (he chooses to take it to his crate usually he's not necessarily shut in there ever) but I might try feeding the little dogs first and putting them back in the living room so he can...
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