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Recent content by Trojan

  1. Trojan

    Askern Results 13Th Jan

    The weather was almost kind to us, panicked for a while when opening the curtains this morning to snow, but luckily not enough to stop the racing going ahead. Everyone turned up and another good afternoon of bend racing was had by all. U/25lb R Come on Izzy 23 Scr 2nd B Weardale Wizard 23 Scr...
  2. Trojan

    Askern Meeting No.2 - 13Th Jan 13

    just checked with Askern Track, no snow there just a little rain, so racing will go ahead. first race 12,30 ish.
  3. Trojan

    Askern Meeting No.2 - 13Th Jan 13

    We have enough entries for racing to go ahead tomorrow :thumbsup: Let's just hope the weather is kind to us and it doesn't snow ;) Entries will be taken until 6 pm tonight so still time for a few more and then programme will be printed ready for tomorrow :flowers:
  4. Trojan

    Askern Meeting No.2 - 13Th Jan 13

    sorry you are unable to race this week, hope the recovery from the injury will be a quick one. Hopefully be a few more meetings in the near future and good to see you will still be supporting as spectactors this week :thumbsup:
  5. Trojan

    Caroles Birthday.

    Happy Birthday Carole xn
  6. Trojan

    Bwra Traps

    Dogs can be loaded from the back if thats your choice, I always load my dogs from the back when using block traps, due to having one very nearly injured loading from the front, but I guess I don't use a massive kickboard ;)
  7. Trojan

    Ch/ Ruby Murray X Ch/ Fatboy Slim

    Well done ruby, good luck Chris and Julie x
  8. Trojan

    Shirebrook Leger 2013

    After racing today we had a meeting with the Shirebrook Staff Committee, who have once again showed their support for the Whippet Racing Club and whippet racing as a whole. We have had confirmation that the main sponsorship for the Shirebook Leger will once again be to the sum of £1000 put up by...
  9. Trojan

    Happy 50Th Peter

    Happy Birthday Peter, hope you've had a good day :cheers:
  10. Trojan

    2 X Rch Hellsdouble Has Been Mated Today

    They're lovely, not sure who looks like their having the most fun, puppies or Tony !
  11. Trojan

    New Mating Calamity Kate And Bally Pride

    Good luck everyone, nice mating.
  12. Trojan

    New Mating

  13. Trojan

    New Litter Born

  14. Trojan

    New Mating

    My Pretty Fast had one dog pup, who we have seen today, he is absolutely scrummy, pics to follow, come on Sadie brought topic to top you just have to post pics now :thumbsup:
  15. Trojan

    New Litter Born

    Been to see this litter tonight they are adorable, would be a difficult task to pick one, although if I had to I did have my favourite :wub: Sadie took lots of pics so hopefully they will soon be on for everyone to see :thumbsup: