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I know at least one dog owner who flounts the law willy nilly. Have dogs, breed off them then dispose of them when they're no longer breedable or a trendy breed comes along. They don't care about licenses and such, they just want a popular breed.
At a very quick look, if I was living with someone and bought/adopted a dog, then the 'someone' left, they could take the dog with them. It doesn't seem to account for the possibility that only one party would 'own' the dog. Which doesn't feel right to me.
I took my granddaughter to see next door's puppies today :) To my surprise she wasn't wildly enthusiastic about them - I think she was a bit thrown when their male Boston came up to say hello and rather got in her face. After all, he does look rather different to the cocker/cavapoos she's used to! It's just as well really, as they still try to suckle fingers, but those teeth are SHARP!! The pups are looking great, apart from one, clearly the runt of the litter, who never managed to suckle and had to be handfed. She is tiny, bless her, and skinny, and looks a bit wobbly on her pins. I think they said they have a buyer lined up for her, though I do wonder why someone would choose a pup who really didn't look that healthy.

They also had to take another pup to the vet today - after our visit, so I don't know the outcome. Another pup had managed to tear its cornea with its claw, and there's a chance the eye will have to be removed. I'll be popping my head over the fence if I see them to ask how it went.
I took my granddaughter to see next door's puppies today :) To my surprise she wasn't wildly enthusiastic about them - I think she was a bit thrown when their male Boston came up to say hello and rather got in her face. After all, he does look rather different to the cocker/cavapoos she's used to! It's just as well really, as they still try to suckle fingers, but those teeth are SHARP!! The pups are looking great, apart from one, clearly the runt of the litter, who never managed to suckle and had to be handfed. She is tiny, bless her, and skinny, and looks a bit wobbly on her pins. I think they said they have a buyer lined up for her, though I do wonder why someone would choose a pup who really didn't look that healthy.

They also had to take another pup to the vet today - after our visit, so I don't know the outcome. Another pup had managed to tear its cornea with its claw, and there's a chance the eye will have to be removed. I'll be popping my head over the fence if I see them to ask how it went.
What a horrible start for the mite. Heart goes out.
Oh wow, poor little pup!
I do wonder why someone would choose a pup who really didn't look that healthy.
To be fair, I'd be the type to pick the pup that was struggling most:rolleyes:😁... (not that I intend to ever have a puppy of course!)
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Oh wow, poor little pup!

To be fair, I'd be the type to pick the pup that was struggling most:rolleyes:😁... (not that I intend to ever have a puppy of course!)
So would I, Flobo. It’s having ‘Mug’ on my ample forehead that does it.
Me too, probably - I'd ask for a discount though!!
Many, many years ago I heard of a family who had a litter of six beautiful pups and one ugly one.

They sold the ugly one seven times ...
I had to read that a few times before I got it!!😂
It looks like the injured pup will be able to keep his eye :) The small hand-reared one has gone to a lovely home, I'm told - the new owners have sent photos of her tucked up in a dog bed with their other dog, and also on the lap of their 4-year-old daughter. I had wondered just how much research they had done into breeding, but the parents did have lots of health checks, and the pups are being sold with a contract that they can't be bred from or sold on. Mr Next-Door told me that the main reason for asking a high price was to avoid the risk of someone buying them to make a profit, which makes sense. They'll be getting the mum spayed in due course, so she won't be having any more pups.

In other sort-of dog-related news, my 2-year-old granddaughter has taken to hiding behind something when she needs to do a poo, wanting a bit of privacy - and I found myself wondering if she'd been told off for toileting in the wrong place, before realising that I knew perfectly well that she hadn't! I also caught myself giving her ear scritches the other day...
Im feeling , well not smug , but vindicated. We often walk the dogs along a lane, on one side is farmland where a lot of fairly rarer field and wading birds like the godwits and curlews breed, on the other side is the lake and marsh where we see egrets, spoonbills , swans, lapwings fieldfares , etc and then there are deer and hares..

You are free to walk in the lane and there are no fences but dogs are not allowed to run loose or go into the fields.

However we often see people with loose dogs. One lady has three big GSD's and although they are not aggressive they charge at my dogs barking and yappng which makes my dogs bark and lunge causing me pain.. I've spoken to her about putting her dogs on a lead and she shrugs. But worse still I've seen her dogs chase wildlife in the fields. Well she got her comeuppance today.
Her dogs were running loose as always when a van came down the lane and stopped because the dogs were right in front of it , a man got out and started talking to her in an agitated manner.
He then got back in the van and when he drew level wth us he stopped again. I expected some sort of row but he was actually very nice, he was from the provinical authority and asked if we knew her, we told him no and he asked if she often had her dogs loose. So we explained that they are friendly but a PITA and that we have seen them chasing wildlife.
He told us she got a formal warning from him this time and if he sees her again with the dogs loose the police will be involved.

He also thanked us for having our dogs under control.

Its nice to A, to get a bit of recognition for obeying the rules and B see that the arrogant idiots who ignore them sometimes get caught
Not dog retated, but at 5.57 this morning, my second grandchild came into the world 🥰 She was 8lb 7oz, and has been feeding really well so probably weighs a bit more now! Mother and baby are both well, and I can't wait to go and visit them this afternoon. Then we'll be cracking open the champagne this evening - it's been chilling for a few days! :emoji_champagne::emoji_champagne_glass:
Congratulations, that crept up on me - I wasn't expecting her to arrive yet! We will look forward to more details later.
She was officially due on the 30th, but because of some medications DIL is on they decided to induce her a week early. Still took a couple of days to get things moving though!

I'm a little tired now... not as tired as DS2 and DIL of course, but I may have been following Whatsapp updates from DS2 for much of the night :oops:
Not dog retated, but at 5.57 this morning, my second grandchild came into the world 🥰 She was 8lb 7oz, and has been feeding really well so probably weighs a bit more now! Mother and baby are both well, and I can't wait to go and visit them this afternoon. Then we'll be cracking open the champagne this evening - it's been chilling for a few days! :emoji_champagne::emoji_champagne_glass:
Brilliant news. Congrats all round.
Wonderful news and 'ouch!'... 8lb 7oz!!😁 Congratulations, how's big sister doing?
Wonderful news and 'ouch!'... 8lb 7oz!!😁 Congratulations, how's big sister doing?
It's a good job they didn't leave her in there to cook any longer! So far, she's very interested in her new little sis and seems very happy. She is a very easy easygoing child though - so far, at any rate - and hopefully having two pairs of supportive grandparents close by will help. We're just back from visiting - didn't stay long, as DIL really needs to try & get some sleep, but little sis is absolutely beautiful. Not that I'm biased of course!

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