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  1. E

    Itchiness and allergies

    Hi everyone - anyone have any recommendations for what they've done to treat their dogs itchiness/allergies? Not really keen on putting them on drugs (cytopoint, apoquel and the like) and feel like an exclusion diet might do more harm than good... My 4 year old Pom is suffering from the...
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    11 year old dog and supplements

    Actually - there is a way to find out if your dog would be better without it @JudyN ! If you do a gut microbiome test, you can see if your dog is efficiently breaking down the molecules related to all aspects of nutrition (chondroitin for joints, protein, fats...) Treat Therapeutics does a...
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    Hello everyone

    Hi Jay! :)
  4. E

    Dog itching looking for a good remedy

    Hi Gary! Was just wondering if you've managed to find a solution to your dog's itchiness? I suffered from the same issues with my dog Charlie, and actually discovered that it was due to an imbalance of her gut microbiome. Similarly, I didn't want to put her on apoquel or cytopoint because it...
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    My dog refuses dog food

    Hi AMJ! So sorry to hear that you've been struggling with a fussy eater. It's possible that your dog has some imbalance in their gut bacteria that is causing them to be fussy eaters. Your dog may be trying to tell you something - that what is in their bowl is not exactly what suits their...
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    dog poo not nice but important

    Hi ken! Unable to send links at the moment, but if you search "Treat Therapeutics" it should come up! We sell in the UK and in Singapore. It can also help address issues like fussiness and allergies :)
  7. E

    Dog Microbiome Researcher - AMA!

    Hi everyone! Nice to meet you all. Emmanuel here - human microbiome researcher and current co-founder & CEO at Treat Therapeutics - A pet microbiome company looking to revolutionise our approach to animal health & nutrition. Based on my own experiences with my dog Charlie's incessant...
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    dog poo not nice but important

    Hi @Ken Thomas - sorry to hear that you're struggling with your dog's gut health... You may want to check out an at-home gut microbiome test for your dog. We've just launched our testing service in the UK (look up Treat Therapeutics :) ) . You just mail your sample into our Cambridge labs via...