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  1. eingana

    How to ensure dog is happy when left alone?

    Molly (over <<<there) arrived with mild to moderate separation anxiety and the only time she's ever done any serious damage I was inside the house. At the time I fostered kittens for a local rescue and my attic was turned over to housing a pregnant or nursing mum, for her to have her kits in...
  2. eingana

    Sudocrem- yes or no

    I used to be a rep for Sudocrem and the vast majority of my samples went to district nurses and health visitors who swore by it for everything from stings to sunburn on their horses. If you think about it, Sudocrem has to be safe for babies to eat from the pot, so it's about as non-toxic as it...
  3. eingana

    Blindness in my 12wk old pup

    Hi longbird So sorry to hear that your puppy has lost her sight. I'm afraid that it's not possible to predict whether she will regain her sight without knowing what your vet knows, and even then your vet could be wrong or just hoping that the sight returns. The blindness could be resulting...
  4. eingana

    How to ensure dog is happy when left alone?

    Fabulous- you've already started the basics :) Keep it up, ignore crying and get him up to a minute of being left, then move on to teaching him to return to his bed (i.e, away from you) on command in return for a treat. This one may have to be done in stages (putting him in bed, teaching him...
  5. eingana

    New dog bonding

    Hi TeddyBobo, and welcome to DogForum :) I'd withdraw the best you can and make sure that your girlfriend does as many of the day to day tasks and fun things as possible, but the training classes is a really good idea too. I've got friends who have cresties and they tell me that they are the...
  6. eingana

    Feeding time help

    The other thing to think about is whether all of this changing food to try to get him to eat properly is actually training him to turn his nose up so that you'll change his food. Shihtzus aren't half as thick as their reputation (well, most of them aren't, anyway, I did know one who never...
  7. eingana

    How to ensure dog is happy when left alone?

    Hi, and welcome to DogForum :) Given that this little one has just been rehomed and is still getting used to his new surroundings and humans, it's very easy to understand when he has a little separation anxiety. In his position I'm sure that all of us would be a little insecure too. Have you...
  8. eingana

    Worried about bedtime

    Dogs aren't very good at telling the time, so I wouldn't worry about it. Start your routine as you mean to go on and just make sure that they have plenty of chance to go to the loo before you go up to bed. They'll be fine, and the whole experience will be less stressful for them than being put...
  9. eingana

    Please please death

    Legally if the dog was on your land and off lead (therefore out of control) and your dog didn't welcome them then that's not really your problem. Legally you have no case to answer and I doubt whether your liability insurance will even entertain paying out because your dog wasn't the one that...
  10. eingana

    Dog theft in broad daylight?

    I saw a CCTV video of someone's dogs being stolen by a pair of men in a car in broad daylight a couple of days ago, and it's truly shocking how brazen some people are with this sort of thing. I'm so glad your daughter was able to prevent your dog being lost, as getting a dog back after it's...
  11. eingana

    Cockapoo - puppies

    Hi I don't have a curly coated breed, but Molly is a fully coated long haired German Shepherd, so I've spent more than my fair share of time holding a slicker and then trying to get the hair off me afterwards! My advice would be: 1) slowly slowly, gently and fun. If you make grooming a big...
  12. eingana

    Whats the best puppy / dog food ?

    That's really expensive if you have a big dog! Molly's raw diet, supplemented by the fruit that she loves and the vegetables that she leaves, and small amounts of goat milk, yoghurt and cheese (which all come from our food) is only about 65p a day for a 40kg dog. That covers 500g of mixed...
  13. eingana

    Sensitive issue, need advice

    I'm sorry to hear that clearing the infection hasn't started reducing the issues :( I have to say that if you were anywhere near me I'd make a point of coming to your home, if only to demonstrate to your lad that not every visitor is scary, and that not every visitor is determined to make him...
  14. eingana

    Fleas - looking for advice

    Each of the products has their own schedule. Most of them are at 4 or 5 week intervals, but then that depends on whether your animals pick up fleas, doesn't it? I'm not a believer in dosing animals with chemicals if that's not necessary, so for much of the winter when there's no sign that any...
  15. eingana

    Itching and biting paws

    If he's itchy under his belly is there any involvement with grass or pollen allergy? Do you rinse and dry paws and undercarriage after walks to remove anything he may have picked up on his skin during a walk? Another alternative to both this and the lampshade (at least for his body) is for him...
  16. eingana

    Dogs trained by prisoners for adoption

    Sorry, I started the survey, but 40 sets of responses for dogs is just too many.
  17. eingana

    Fleas - looking for advice

    60 degrees will do the job :) When you're vacuuming soft furnishings etc, (one of few valid uses for a flea collar) put a flea collar in your vacuum cleaner bag/bin, so that kills the fleas you're sucking up, and make sure to pay attention to seams, folds and crevices, as that's where the eggs...
  18. eingana

    Can dogs go crazy just like humans?

    I don't think that they can be categorised as schizophrenia and paranoia, just because so much of the diagnosis with these conditions is based around the patient being able to tell you what they are thinking and feeling. They can and do, however, have chemical imbalances which result in major...
  19. eingana

    Sensitive issue, need advice

    I'm glad that your vet acknowledges the severity of the situation- that must be a comfort for you that it's nothing that you've done :) The urinary tract infection could have a lot to answer for, at least in this current flare up of his symptoms. Cystitis can cause pain and anxiety and if it...
  20. eingana

    Sensitive issue, need advice

    I'm sorry to hear about how hard you've tried to give your dog a happy life and how much it seems not to have worked after all of this time of getting to grips with everything. It must be so frustrating for you to have implemented so many steps and then for everything to stop working suddenly...