South Oxford will be running a club meeting on 10h April 2011 please book in with Steph Hood by Tuesday 9pm
on 01264 771163 Mobile 07825225138 or email
Yes you missed a very good day Darcia The weather was lovely some even got sunburnt. It was nice to see a few familiar faces
June and Len McDonald and Steve Bryant.
The results were:
R & J Pullen Lightweight Final
1 Sevan
2 Pebble Nuggett
3 Rockin Robyn
4 Delter Shades of Red
Due to a Gaelic football match on Sunday we will have to race at the back of the running track.
This will mean a shorter distance and an uphill finish.
Entrance is though the gate at the back of the parking area by the Rugby Club building.
Please is there anyone who could possibly tow the trailer from Gaye's house in Kidlington to the race field at Horspath on the 13th March 2011?
If so could you please contact Gaye on 01865379889. If not we will have to cancel the meeting.
South Oxford PWRC dates for 2011 are:
13th February 2011
27th February 2011
13th March 2011
27th March 2011
10th April 2011
22nd May 2011
future dates to be announced at a later date.
Please book dogs in with Steph Hood by 9pm on Tuesday's prior to meeting on
01264 771163 or mobile...
South Oxford PWRC will be holding their AGM on Saturday the 22nd January 2011 at The Ambassador Club Tadley
at 12 noon. Members please try and come along to support your club. Items for the Agenda should be sent to
Gaye Scutter by 15th January 2011
Well done to brothers Bolt from the Blue on winning his halfcoat at the WCRA Champs and also
well done to Blue Highland Devil coming second. Hope to see you next week at the Nationals
Love from Buddy
Correction to results
Race 8 1st Star of Wonder 2nd Time and Chaos
Race 11 1st Spellbinder 2nd Savernake Boomerang, 3rd Wilsdon Billy Mac, 4th Time and Chaos
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