Bit of a story with Geof though, he got thrown out last month, found kiddy porn on his computer, was due in court this week. Think at the time what a bastard doing that, married but no kids. there was a protest outside his house last month so him and his wife moved in with his mother and then...
Anyway enough of the morbid, really stunning pics there Sarah, Bec and I both like the 40's style and always looking at pics. they seem so graceful, bit different to what we got today - Britney and Jade lol
Been shit in work as well, only couple of us working as they called everman and his dog in for scene preservation and house to house so had to cover for everyone els. they got ghe bloke who did it, was a neighbour in his early twenties
Hello everyone, got my cider in front of me and ate loads of chocolate. bit down one of the boys got killed this morning, we been in the job together over 20 years.
Bak now, going to have a look at ovulation site to see when i can get pregnant, next week would be good, but got to ask my mate first. Decided against the one Bec knows
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