A number of years ago we had a very simlar experience with a whippet exported to the U.S getting lost at an airport.
Mark & Roy of Dunaruna wish you the very best of luck if your search for Viva.
We fully understand the worry this is causing you.
Thanks For all your kind words
First of all you are all right,
Ch Nevedith Utterley Uppercrust at Dunaruna.
Net Meg of Nevedith.
Meg has come round very well and has taken to the pups like any good bitch.
Pups are all very healthy and very even, no weaklings.
As for me well Im looking...
Hi Gang.
Spot on Helen.
Total count 3 Dogs & 4 Bitches
all brindle partie.
No Pictures yet she has had a hell of a day bless,
had to have C section at 16.30 after many hours of no show.
All is well with both Mum and Pups, Meg is still out for the count. what a supprize she will have when...
quick update.
Monday 9.30.
Her temp has dropped and she is doing the normal stuff for first stages.
I'm expecting that she will start ether early hours or some point 2morrow.
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