1. Put both toilet lids up ad pet shampoo in bowl
2. Take cat to bathroom
3. Throw him in bowl stand on lid
4. He will agitate and make ample suds
5. Ignore cats noise cats love this
6. Flush toilet 3 or 4 times for power wash
7. Open front door
8. Lift lid and stand back
9. Cat will...
Husband & wife shopping in tesco the man picks up
A box of stella & puts it in trolly .
What do you think your doin asks the wife ?
They're on offer £10 for 24 cans he says !
Put them back we can't afford it !
Then she picks up a £20 face cream and
Puts it in trolly
What do you think...
One day , along long time ago in a land far far
Away, there lived awomen who did not nag ,
Whine or bitch . But it was just one day and
A long , long time ago !
I've asked to be seeded 3 times this season inside I've never got it .
Plus its not been even marked on the card . When I asked an official
About this they said well mark it if dog goes through next round .
They never mentioned I could of asked for a re draw ! Once maybe
But 3 times , I...
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