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  1. O

    Dissertation questionnaire - Aberystywth University

    Thank you very much for filling it out, and for your feedback.
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    Dissertation questionnaire - Aberystywth University

    Thank you very much for your help!
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    Dissertation questionnaire - Aberystywth University

    Thank you very much for your help!
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    Dissertation questionnaire - Aberystywth University

    Thank you very much, and thank you for feedback. I'm afraid I cannot change it this time round but I will if I ever do another in the future! Happy New Year!
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    Dissertation questionnaire - Aberystywth University

    Thank you very much. Happy New Year!
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    Dissertation questionnaire - Aberystywth University

    Hello everyone! I am a Veterinary Biosciences student in my final year at Aberystwyth University, and I am undergoing research for my dissertation project. If you have a few spare minutes, I would be very grateful for your response. It is one survey per dog, and responses are anonymous...