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  1. BigPaws

    Breed Of Dog Suitable For Allery Sufferers? Schnoodles?

    But if she just got a poodle, or schnauzer, as you suggested - then she'd still be at risk from hereditary illness. I thought the argument was that mongrels are less prone to such illnesses *because* of the mixture, rather than the opposite?
  2. BigPaws

    How's Your Tuesday?

    Hi Hula, after 4,400 posts - it would be wonderful if you could upload a profile picture (like the one I have of the dog). You can do that by clicking the change my photo button on
  3. BigPaws

    Border Collie Aggression - Any Advice?

    Hi Ben, many thanks for registering - it's great to see you guys on here :)
  4. BigPaws

    Border Collie Aggression - Any Advice?

    If you can find out that'd be good. Also I've asked some other BC owners to come and check this question out, so hopefully they'll join up and post a reply :)
  5. BigPaws

    Maltby W.r.c Agm

    Hi, shouldn't this be in the club section as Maltby have one? Or would it be easier just to remove the club and have the topics in here? Cheers
  6. BigPaws

    Urgent Help Needed From A Canine Nutritionist

    Hi, try posting on
  7. BigPaws

    Good Evening

    Hi Joanne, Great pictures :) Hope you stick around here on DogForum and get a few dog-owning friends to join in too?
  8. BigPaws

    Border Collie Aggression - Any Advice?

    I know you said that your friend won't take advice on the food, but do you know what food she's currently feeding her BC? It won't be a miracle cure, but as a cross-BC owner I noticed some quite major changes (in terms of being hyperactive) from swapping foods.
  9. BigPaws

    How's Your Tuesday?

    It seems like one of those days when the drizzle will never stop! :( How's it going for you?
  10. BigPaws

    New Member

    Hi Rose, welcome to the site! First thing is to set yourself with a little picture, like the one I have to the left of this text. To do that, you can click the "Change my Photo" button on this page and pick one from your computer:
  11. BigPaws

    Very Old Newby Here...sort Of!

    Welcome, welcome! Thanks for re-finding us, lol :D
  12. BigPaws

    I'm Brand Spanking New!

    Hi Hannah, thanks for posting those cute pictures of your dogs. If you haven't seen them yet, then head to the gallery at:
  13. BigPaws

    Selling Recommending Hound And House Home Boarding Service

    You're right, I've moved this to the Noticeboard area which is allowed trade ads, providing they seek permission first :)
  14. BigPaws


    Yes just go back to that page
  15. BigPaws


    Snooch, you don't need to use Photobucket as you can host your photos here for free :) In the meantime you can change your profile picture by clicking "Account Settings" > "Edit Profile" at the top right of any page.
  16. BigPaws

    Got A Forthcoming Event? Read This First

    You'll probably have noticed the "Events Calendar" button at the top right of ALL pages. This page gets a lot of traffic and is therefore a good place to promote your forthcoming dog related event (show, race, meetup, etc.). Thanks
  17. BigPaws

    Dog Survey Please Help :)

    Hi there, I've temporarily removed the link to your survey. Please could you let our users know a bit more about its purpose. It would also be nice if you joined in with the rest of the community too - before asking us to help? :)
  18. BigPaws


    Could be.... o:)
  19. BigPaws


    Hello Strix! Collie/x here, but I'm sure someone will be along soon!
  20. BigPaws

    Good Morning

    Hi Caroline, thanks a lot for joining! If you'd like, you could upload some photos of Shiloh to our gallery too: