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  1. M

    Hare And Hound

    I that Mrs Corky sporting the rather fetching waterproof pants? Nice :D
  2. M

    Hare And Hound's.

    Lamping man am really dissapointed (genuinely) :( I think it's an amazing shot I saw your bitch run a couple of years ago and she had incredible stamina, running a second hare on the way back to you after coursing the first brilliantly , nearly caught the second one as well! What I do best...
  3. M

    My Salukis

    Saluqilad where you from? am guessing Scotland could be wrong! Lovely looking dogs.
  4. M

    Hare And Hound

    And the dad of this one too! Salukilad their feet hold up really well, "I have" ran a lot of hares with my dogs over the years and haven't had a single problem yet, the only problem you might encounter is barbed wire! they do tend to come off worse with the spiky stuff. They are quick healers...
  5. M

    Belated Intro And A Question

    Forgive me for being so cynical Wayne but if you were a memeber of both these clubs surely you would know that both the afformentioned activities are now both illegal! Just hope you have had your head in the sand over the last year and aren't trying to provoke some illegal responses :( Hope I...
  6. M

    Hunting Rabbits With Dogs Your Views

    Here you go Mark here is another couple of him a few years ago with all four! I forget how big and strong he was when he was working! it was all that showbreeding in his pedigree! :- "
  7. M

    Hunting Rabbits With Dogs Your Views

    Forgot to say earlier on, a very warm welcome to you Samantha. I did say that I thought there were no anti's on here and I wouldn't describe you as that at all, an anti I would describe as somebody whom is not at all open minded like yourself but has very strong opinions that they can not...
  8. M

    Hunting Rabbits With Dogs Your Views

    No problem Mark, was not trying to be personal just simply replying to the question raised by another memeber. Am sorry if I have upset anyone it was not my intention. We do however live in an age where our rights and my sport are endangered, and whilst nobody on here is an anti I do feel the...
  9. M

    Hunting Rabbits With Dogs Your Views

    Levs love the ferret and dog pics! Try these out very simmilar.
  10. M

    Hunting Rabbits With Dogs Your Views

    Murphy and Toby after a good days work, shortly before murphy's leg came off! Am not ashamed, just haven't asked my brothers permission to put up his pic!
  11. M

    Hunting Rabbits With Dogs Your Views

    Do you know what this reminds me of? A website called earthdog running dog that was just about ruined by in fighting! Everybody has an opinion don't take it personally and chill out! Rae I DOOOO get pleasure out of my dogs catching rabbits, sorry if this offends you, but when I am out in the...
  12. M

    Working Whippets.

    Mark, were you in Scotland recently? if so whereabouts and tell us more YIS Andy
  13. M

    Whippet Stud Dog

    You won't go far wrong with one of John's dogs.
  14. M

    Working Whippets.

    Thanks Mally but I live a little bit too far away, Just East of Inverness!! And he's not liitle any more :D
  15. M

    Working Whippets.

    In his prime he took some beating on ferreted bunnies. Baby sitting the next generation! Sadly though the sun is setting for him! all too early, I feel robbed. :(
  16. M

    The Little Worker

    OOOOH Dear is somebody miffed off??!! :( I ain't bumming up to no one, but my Paul bred dog is the buisness and no not all the qualities came from the sire, the dam is a show bred Oakbark! My other Whippet, 8 yrs old three legs is an oakbark and still works like stink
  17. M

    Whippet Stud Dog

    Personally wouldn't use mike brown I was messed about by him and lost my deposit for a pup a few years ago! Can reccommend Lynnperry though, very good dogs. Whereabouts are you?
  18. M

    Lynperry Whippet

    Just out for a couple of hours ratting yesterday got a few to bolt with the smoker but can't wait till the frosts so I can use the ferrets!
  19. M

    Working Whippets.

    Murphy is really struggling now on his three legs but I think he will manage a few short ratting sessions this winter! It's such a shame to see him alone in the kitchen when I go out with Tod! He's still got a rat and a bunnie or two left in him :thumbsup:
  20. M

    Lynperry Whippet

    Here is a pic of Tod's brother Larry, strikingly simmilar apart from the obvious colour! Can't wait for this summer to end!