Westcountry Game Fair, March 10th & 11th at Royal Bath & West Showground, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 6QN. The Coursing Crew will be running all lurcher & terrier events over the two days. Simulated coursing, straight racing 23" & under, over 23", puppies & terriers. Entries taken from 9am to...
Lovely pics Maggi!!! It was great to see Bill slipping Tog Dog & Tog dog running (I love Tog he is so clever) Solly looks great, maybe Tom should tie you on to the lure for Solly's next run!!!
SHUGBOROUGH Game Fair, March 3rd & 4th at Shugborough Hall, Milford, Stafford, ST17 0XB. The Coursing Crew will be running all lurcher & terrier events over the weekend. Simulated coursing, straight racing 23" & under, over 23", puppies & terriers. Also 21" & under charity race (all proceeds to...
Havent been on k9 for a bit & have just seen all the pics!! They are great!! Pebbles looks a lot like her cousin Princess Gert, but cleaner as gert has decided to roll in something unmentionable this morning then had the nerve to come to me & tell me to clean her!! Walter loved his first snow...
You would get locked up if they caught you playing your banjo on the hill!!! We will all see you very soon, probably on your backside tangled in puppy leads :teehee:
First show is Shugborough March 3rd & 4th, but I dont think our puppy handler will make it to that one, in fact with all this responsibilty she is being forced into we might not see her at all ;)
A sibling race could be funny!! Am thinking sibling showing class as well, debbie has offered her services (unknowingly) to show them all together PMSL
Thought I would get these on while I remembered! A few not on yet as dates are not confirmed.
Shugborough Game Fair
March 3rd & 4th
Shugborough Hall, Nr Stafford, ST17 0XB.
Westcountry Game Fair
March 10th & 11th
Royal Bath & West Showground, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 6QN.
Kent Game &...
Pebbles is looking GOOD!! What a lovely litter they are!! Have just got Paddy to help me measure Walter, it was tricky!! He is 19 tts & 19 long. He has actually had his collar on for the first time, give me another 5 months & I might try him with a LEAD!!
Hi Paul,
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion & free speech is important to us all, as long as it is not offensive to people who class themselves as friends. Then it just becomes downright rude, this is the point in life when it is better to keep those opinions to ourselves!!
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