cheers every one big eddie is fine today he is just a little bite sore and feeling sorry for himself as for me im fine also a bite sore today any excuse for a day off cleaning
thats where he gets it from this nutter would run through a brick wall, just to show you how big he has got here is a couple of pics with fern who is 27in and 80lb
she would not be saying that when he is hanging off your legs, he is 40lb of madness and daft as a brush cant wait for the racing to start,bye the way are you sure his father is not a greyhound :teehee:
he is still growing and a right pain in the arse his weight i think is about 44lb will put him on the scales later and try and get him to stand still for a pic apart from that he is doing great he has been on the bunnies over the winter to keep him ticking over and also a few times around the...
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