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  1. Derekrfc

    North West Champs

  2. Derekrfc

    North West Champs

  3. Derekrfc

    North West Champs

  4. Derekrfc

    North West Champs

  5. Derekrfc

    North West Champs

  6. Derekrfc

    North West Champs

    :D We would ALL like to congratulate the Northern PWRC for a fantastic weekend and a great Northwest Championship you all did a brilliant job and also to all the runners finalists and winners for some cracking races. :D You have all worked hard to put on 2 Opens this year and the track has...
  7. Derekrfc

    Gloucester Pitch Inspection

    :thumbsup: Well thats good news Lesley we wish you ALL a great and safe days racing as it looks like we will not be able to make it and to say we are gutted is an understatement. Unfortuanately Mandy is still in the Hospital she was taken in on Wednesday with severe abdominal pain and after...
  8. Derekrfc

    Bend Racing

    This is only my opinion as a lot of people have said already the amount of dogs who get serious injuries from bend racing ( Whether on grass or Geyhound tracks ) is in my opinion one of the most serious factors of the demise of bend racing but also the lack of tracks available is also a massive...
  9. Derekrfc

    Happy Birthday Bentley And Sandra

    :thumbsup: Happy Birthday to " Bentley " and all his litter Brothers and sisters you have a great memory Dave and congratulations to you and Sandra you have done brilliant with him, i am sure that you will spoil him rotten today and all the best of :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: to...
  10. Derekrfc

    Scottish Derby 2012

    Sorry for some reason when i wrote this i missed the 4th place dog oops sorry Stephanie The result should have read 20 - 22lb Main Final Main Final Result 1. Rch Mystify Me 2. Highland Warrior Laddie 3. He's The One 4. White Warrior
  11. Derekrfc

    Scottish Derby 2012

    :D We had a great Derby yesterday and the rain even stopped and the sun came out and made it a day to remember. Before i put on the results i would like to thank Christine and Norman Heaton for their hard work again on the tannoy all day, also Ray Scutter for his help all day on the traps (...
  12. Derekrfc

    The 2nd Scottish Derby

    :D Hi I know that some people are already on their way we wish you all a safe journey and are really looking forward to meeting you all and having a great days racing on Sunday :D
  13. Derekrfc

    The 2nd Scottish Derby

    :D Hi everyone cannot believe our closing date is this Sunday already if any one has a problem getting a entry form please phone Maggie on 01236830273 and she will take your entry. :D Well we are a geared up and cannot wait to see you all the track is looking great and equipment all been...
  14. Derekrfc

    New Litter Announcement

    :thumbsup: Hi everyone cannot believe our closing date is this Sunday already if any one has a problem getting a entry form please phone Maggie on 01236830273 and she will take your entry. Well we are a geared up and cannot wait to see you all the track is looking great and equipment all been...
  15. Derekrfc

    The 2nd Scottish Derby

    :D Hi everyone :D Just a quick note to remind you all that our closing date is next Sunday it has come very quickly here are a couple of pics of some of the Group winners Jackets and of course Supreme Jackets and Trophys for the same there are also rossettes for runners up and of course heat...
  16. Derekrfc

    The 2nd Scottish Derby

    :thumbsup: Cant wait to see you an Rob and Little Jack and of course RCh Mystify me it will be first since little Darci won her title and * Mr Brightside :thumbsup: have a safe journey up.
  17. Derekrfc

    The 2nd Scottish Derby

    :thumbsup: We look forward to seeing you and Mark when you come up Lesley have a safe journey can't believe there are only 2 weeks till the closing date ( doesnt time fly ) :thumbsup:
  18. Derekrfc

    Wcra Bend Champs

    A little Jennie Wren and her young how lucky are you to have had them in your life ( even for a short time ) yes nature at time seems cruel but the circle of life goe's on, so for all the little one has gone it has left it's image in your mind forever. Well done Chriss thanks for sharing...
  19. Derekrfc

    New Litter Announcement

    And here are a few of Reyna tonight out playing with her new pals Sassie and Deedee hope you like them we weighed her on Sunday ( 9weeks old ) and she was 6lbs and 12 ozs.
  20. Derekrfc

    New Litter Announcement

    :thumbsup: And here is one when they went to the club for the 1st time to meet everyone :D I think it was too much for them lol :D And they weighed Reyna 5lbs 3ozs and Kimi 5lbs 9ozs at 8 weeks.