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  1. C

    So Glad The Lounge Is Done And The Sofa's Are Back

    The boys have planted themselves firmly on their sofa's and wont get off in case they go back into storage for yet another 8 months. This all means of course that the lounge is done!!!!!!!! Only the porch, dining room, bathroom and utility to do..... oh yes and we have planning on the drive...
  2. C

    Tia And Blue

    Fabulous photos Nicky.. so how long in the end did it take to fill? This is our problem as we have a well :lol: Ian is a little concerned I'll run it dry getting one to big for us :lol:
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    Dogs Get A New Swimming Pool

    Cor what a whopper :lol: Can't wait to see you all in it :thumbsup:
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    Quickslip Puppies

    Oh Jane you lucky lady She is gorgeous :wub:
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    Very Sad News

    Oh goodness me, how terrible :( Thinking of you and your family TC at this very sad time
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    Jumping Up?

    I would be interested to find out myself as we have had Sidney for 4 years and Ben for just under 2 and both of them can't seem to understand that when you are coming in the door with your hands full of things, it isn't a good time for cuddles :p :b :angry:
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    Girls And Thier Chelynnah Tuggitz

    I think I am going to have to get the boys one of those ... great photos
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    Tell The Truth.

    Oh bless.. it's almost as if she is telling Zana that you'll have to wear some of these soon...
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    Lazy Sunny Afternoons

    LOL I am sorry everyone... I know I have been very naughty keeping photos of my two from you. I take them and then forget to get the off the camera or phone at the moment with everything going on :lol: I have to put children's sun cream on both Sid and Ben's belly's as they do like to get a...
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    How Much Fun

    LOL brilliant... she has grown loads :wub:
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    Foxy Seems A Bit Better

    Aw bless her
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    Lazy Sunny Afternoons

    Sidney and Ben enjoying the sun last weekend Taking time out from doing the garden
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    Bluebell's Bluebells

    Gorgeous :wub: :wub: :wub:
  14. C

    Precious Ruby Murray X Parkstone Black Gold

    Congratulations!!!! Such gorgeous pups.. Ruby looks such a natural Mummy Well done to you to Grandma Shona :wub:
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    Poppy Get New Bed

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That is one of the best action shots I have seen in a long time
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    We Have A Visitor!!!!!

    Aw, she looks very settled :wub:
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    What You Think Of My New

    Oh they look Fab!!!! My pair like to sleep on their backs with all 4 feet in the air.. could they do that in these Nicky?
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    We Went On Holiday

    Well looking at Ian's weather station.... he is well in it with flying and diving... it is suppose to be nice over the bank holiday weekend... we need something to dry ourselves out a bit :lol:
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    Here that is looking great..... we have the same problem here with the boys making themselves paintbrushes :lol:
  20. C

    We Went On Holiday

    Did I spot St Mawes there Clair? Glad you had a lovely time And It hasn't rained at all... you telling fibs.... Us Cornish folk call it liquid sunshine!!!!! Lovely photos