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  1. C

    Competition Time

    A toe of a shoe
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    Competition Time

    A close up of a doggy toy even :)
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    Competition Time

    a kinder surprise, surprise capsule
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    Competition Time

    the handle of a hair brush
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    Competition Time

    Top of a balloon (Rob's guess) lid/cap of a lip stick/chap stick
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    Competition Time

    Ian's guess lid of a shampoo bottle Mine Cap of a bubble bath bottle
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    Competition Time

    Lid and deodorant spray
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    Poppy Not Well

    Oh huney, I am so sorry to hear this... lots of love and healing wishes coming to Poppy and hugs to you xxxx
  9. C

    Am I A Lucky Woman Or What

    Aw you sure are very lucky to have such gorgeous doggies :wub:
  10. C

    Tia Cops An Earfull From Mac

    LOL come and play.... I'm going to bark until you get out of that chair and play :lol:
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    Tia Pics

    it must be a blue brindle thing as Sidy is a moody git lately :lol: Tia as always is stunning and nothing wrong with some cuddly bits either :huggles:
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    Meddles Special Day

    :clown: Happy Birthday Clair :clown:
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    The Perfect Whippet Is 2

    :clown: Happy birthday Bluebell :clown:
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    Come On Linda Tell All , Maceys News!!!

    Aw what fabulous news Yay
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    Caught In The Act!!!!

    LOL it's like Tia is saying, you are sooo going to get told off... I'm having nothing to do with it :-
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    So Glad The Lounge Is Done And The Sofa's Are Back

    :lol: I am sure if they could of found the phone they would of tried
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    Tia And Blue

    Oooooh now that is a fab bargain :thumbsup: Problem with our garden is that it it long but strip like not overly wide so couldn't' go too big even though we wanted too lol. I have got to get Ian to unhook the mains water (we got a well but don't want to use well water as it's low at the...
  18. C

    So Glad The Lounge Is Done And The Sofa's Are Back

    :lol: well it has flown by for us what with being busy doing up the house but the boys have put up with noisey tools and dirt and dust...both have sported some funky dandruff over the past few weeks :lol: They do nothing but sleep in between their walks, doodling and eating :wub:
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    Tia And Blue

    Nicky, do you use any chemicals in your to keep the alge away and the water fresh? I went and bought my 10 foot one today with ground sheet, filter and debris cover for £29.99 plus postage *funky dancing* very exited... I hope this weather holds :lol:
  20. C

    Well Done Posh Totty

    Huge congratulations from all of us xxxx