So sorry for you're loss. I havn't been on K9 for ages but remember when Tank was born. He was very special :huggles: I'm glad he didn't suffer and was doing something all whippets love at the end xxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh no this is so sad Janis. I remember Tank well and you were just saying how Flint reminded you of him. Susan and Jill will be so upset xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi everybody I havn't been on here in ages. :( :oops: I was just wondering if anyone can suggest places to eat out etc in the Aviemore area. We've decided to go on holiday with dogs this year and have booked a week here.
its that long since I've been on k9 hope I've done this right
this boy looks lovely wish I could take him :huggles:
OK my twopence worth to these iggy questions,not Pam but her better 1/2.Back in the early 6ties till the mid 7ties my gran and grandpa had an iggie,tinker.Now tinker didnt suffer any broken bones from launching her self from the couch or from running up and down stairs,hell she even went out...
Those are great pics Janis :huggles: Seems like ages since I've been on k9 but today I needed some cheering up and this has done the trick :huggles:
Sorry to here about Oscars accident but glad that he's feeling better :thumbsup:
Jakey is always trailing sticks about and we don't...
Here are some pics that were took at christmas of Jakey and Jilly. We had great time.
did santa leave me these
opening presents
Do you like my new whippet. My aunt got it for off pricedroptv
I've got laminate as well but have a great big rug in the living room where Jakey and Jilly do most of their play fighting. (w00t) Usually with Malcolm joining in :D
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