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  1. P

    Feel Terrible

    What a lovely story of Mr Windows life and a lovely poem
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    Buffy's Bonnet

    Great pics Jill lucky you've got time to be bored :lol: Love to see your pics especially Toby :wub:
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    Fearless Archie At The Vets

    Love and kisses to Archie :huggles:
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    Winter Whippets

    Me neither Helen :( Don't know where the time goes these days :wacko:
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    Chase Me

    That is a great shot Mazza I love seeing pics of Annie and Alfie :thumbsup: Your house sounds just like mine :lol:
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    I Have The Devil Pup

    I know whats wrong with them their all getting excited......... waiting for Santa to come :lol: :lol: :lol:
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    Christmas Star

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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    Zoomster In The Snow

    Lovely pics Fiona and you know that I just love wee Zoomie to bits :wub: but could we please see some more pics of the supermodel as well :wub:
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    What's Sparky Looking At ?

    AWWWWW love that first pic of Sparky :wub: :wub:
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    Jax you got me in trouble :lol: I was innocently browsing through k9 and just happened to be looking at that first pic of Montee and Harvee when a couple of my workmates had a look to see what I was looking at :lol: Now they are telling everyone I am into some weird website (w00t) (w00t)...
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    Come On - Be Brave

    :lol: :lol: I know Vanna it was impossible trying to get them all to look at the camera at once :lol: :lol: or maybe Jilly got a telling of from mum :lol: :lol:
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    keep practising it will be worth it in the end :thumbsup:
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    Come On - Be Brave

    Aww those are all nice pics :huggles: cheered me up this morning heres a couple from me :thumbsup: Jilly with her human mum and granny and this is Jilly with her biological mum, granny and great granny, me and Mrs Skelly her breeder :huggles:
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    Tank & Lucy

    How nice of Tank and Lucy to name their new friend after me :lol: Tank is looking great :wub: and Lucy of course
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    The Edster Still Going Strong!

    love to Eddie :huggles: :huggles:
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    Bathtime For Whippy

    Willow looks so cute in the bath :wub: looks as if his colours run in the bathwater :lol:
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    6 Months

    :cheers: :cheers: happy 1/2 birthday Harvee and Indiabeautiful family :wub:
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    GET WELL SOON CLOUD Sending lots of :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: to you both :luck:
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    Have To Wait

    Awwww thats a shame Susan but better to be safe than sorry :( Hope the boys are feeling better soon. :luck: Jillys been under the weather as well with gastroenteriatis had a trip to the vet with her as well but shes back to normal again :thumbsup: :huggles: to Robbie and wee Tam :huggles:
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    Lets Eat Kobi !!

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: tasty :lol: :lol: :lol: Oscar :huggles: Kobi :huggles: