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  1. Millie

    Blowing The New Year Cobwebs Away...

    Lovely pics and of course lovely boys Janice :thumbsup:
  2. Millie

    Joys Puppies

    You are welcome any time Alison :thumbsup:
  3. Millie

    Joys Puppies

    mmmmmmmm yep ! :D
  4. Millie

    Joys Puppies

    Yes, she didn't want you to miss her Jane ;) :thumbsup:
  5. Millie

    Xmas Piccys

    Presents from Pets at home......... has to be, I get staff discount ;) :thumbsup: And yes every bit was edible. :D
  6. Millie

    Joys Puppies

    Here you go ladies a group pic for you all. :thumbsup: Individual pics next week, if I can get my helpers round ;)
  7. Millie

    Xmas Piccys

    ......... and Joy, taking time out from the pups to enjoy hers :thumbsup:
  8. Millie

    Xmas Piccys

    ......... and Josh, who enjoys his standing up :clown:
  9. Millie

    Xmas Piccys

    Here is Abbie taking it far more lady like :wub:
  10. Millie

    Xmas Piccys

    Thought I'd add a couple of pics of mine enjoying their xmas pressies. :wub: Got them all except Freeway who couldn't possibly eat/enjoy whilst the camera was pointing at him lol :teehee: First Diva, gone in seconds so not much left ...........
  11. Millie

    Happy Birthday Cathie!

    Happy Birthday Cathy
  12. Millie

    10 Months Old Pics

    Very very nice, you must be proud of them :wub:
  13. Millie

    Joys Puppies

    I promise to get some taken on Thursday :thumbsup: They had their 1st taste of real food today, boy did they love it ! :wub: Now comes the messy part lol :wacko: :lol:
  14. Millie

    Rip Old Dog Devon

    Bigs hugs for you Alison :huggles: Run free Devon, a very special whippet :wub:
  15. Millie

    Beetelian Indian Brave Jw

    :thumbsup: WAY TO GO Helen & Leo
  16. Millie

    The Girl's 'do Christmas'

    Bless ! :teehee: :wub:
  17. Millie

    Christmas Morning Pics

    Great pics Trish, looks like everyone had a good time :thumbsup:
  18. Millie

    Merry Xmas

    :cheers: Merry Christmas everyone ! :cheers:
  19. Millie

    Joy & Desmonds Pups

    :lol: :lol: :lol: at Jane !
  20. Millie

    Christmas Who Done It ?????

    Poor boy ................ he must have been framed :- " :- " :lol: