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  1. J

    Whippet Rescue

              Liz means 01505. Har fingers must be faster that her brain!!!! :teehee:
  2. J


    Well done Daisy!!!!!! o:)
  3. J

    Milly's Pups

    Thanks all for congrats and appreciation. No section, all natural. Think black mark was something on camera!!! They are little podgers! Milly (mum) is suffering somewhat from the heat. A couple of times during last night she went and lay away from them for a while, poor scone.
  4. J

    Hair Loss Patch On Tail

    I noticed this type of thing on someone else's dog. A vet friend told me that it was to do with the gland that is there. NEEM is an ecellent remedy for skin irritations. You can get it in many forms ........ cream, soap etc.. I use it myself as well as for the dogs.
  5. J

    Allergic Reaction

    Stings are not always left in situ, so could easily have been and I think you were right to treat it a such (whipps chace and catch anything that moves!). My old lady has very thin hair and is bald in places - she is also very light coloured. Earlier in the year when OH started cutting the grass...
  6. J

    Bat Ears!

    Lovely pic! What's her breeding cos she sounds like she's related to my pups!!!!!!!!! 4 days old and they are already exploring their surroundings!!!!!
  7. J

    Milly's Pups

    In one of the new pics baby Ranger is on Milly's nose!!!! Baby Findlay is usually eating!!!!!!
  8. J

    Milly's Pups

    Here are more pics taken today. Never thought I'd be as obsessed with the pics bit!!! I am obsessed with the pups tho'. Three booked already! Prospective owners are viewing progress on here.
  9. J

    My Brood

    What lovely I love blues and blacks and ....WHIPPETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. J

    Milly's Pups

    Milly's pups born Thursday but being technilogically impared not been able to post till now (I would like to thank my wonderful son for helping me) Enjoy... I am Girls Boys
  11. J

    Supplements for Older Dogs?

    Getting dogs to swallow tablets can be frustrating. So long as they are not the not to be handled kind I take a smallish bit of cheese and work it in my hand till it's like soft wax and wrap the tablet into it. Offer this on the palm of your hand - or if your dog catches throw it to them. I know...
  12. J

    Supplements for Older Dogs?

    IMHO long term use (I mean weeks not months or years) of Rimidyl can be fatal, painfully so, causing heart,liver and kidney failure. I avoid any of these medications where possible. Alternative therapies are always worth trying - including such things as hydro therapy pools. I am sure there is...
  13. J

    Speying In Season Bitches

    Speying should notbe undertaken lightly. As far as I know it should be done around six weeks after a season. This is something to do with hormones. I have a 'returned' bitch who was probably speyed early. She gets the same food and exercise as the others but she is huge! have had her for six...
  14. J

    Whippets For Sale

    Hi again. I crated my young dog with another when she was a pup and she never had a bad night. I think the company stopped her missing her litter mates. Go for it and good luck with the search.
  15. J

    Whippets Aberdeen

    Hi and welcome to Scotland! There are quite a few whippets in your's finding them that could be a problem! Do you show your dog? That's a good way to meet others as is keeping up with K9. Good luck in your search.
  16. J

    Can Anyone Tell Me Why?

    The notes on the K.C. Litter Registration Form say: "Breeders wishing to endorse any puppies should make themselves fully aware of the complete regulations contained in the Krnnel Club Year Book relating to the use of endorsements, including the need to obtain written and signed confirmation...
  17. J

    Whippets For Sale

    My bitch will have pups in the next week. both parents from Bruntsfield line (not related tho') bitch (2) is fawn with white trim dog brindle parti coloured. If interested or want more info PM me. Jean
  18. J

    Going For Gold

    WELL DONE TIGGER & LIZ! Never mind Amber time I'm sure.X
  19. J

    Is There A Difference?

    Whippets are bred for running. They should be able to race and show. I race and show mine as do many of my friends. A good Whippet is a good Whippet (and they are all barking MAD).
  20. J

    Two Old Girls Need A Home...

    Thanks for bumping Misty + Fogs situatuion. I am their foster mum, had them since 15th Dec. Misty is 14 and the light one. Fog is 11 and fawn. They were not as healthy as was thought, very thin and anxious when they came. Settling has taken time particularly for Misty. I was so worried about her...