Blue is nearly 8 months old now and weighing in at 7st 4lb. Slowly he is turning into a gentle giant, but he still has his moments.
Here he is in the garden, enjoying a bit of spring sunshine
A quick update.
Blue seems to have calmed down again now and there is no more biting and jumping around which is great. I did try the Gentle Leader but it ended up a bit of a disaster because once its on the part that attaches to the lead dangles under Blues chin, which he finds a great game...
Hi TinyTom
That's the plan for now, we will walk him together on an evening and then Bev will walk him on her own with me "crouching through the bushes" in case Blue starts jumping again. I've ordered a "Gentle Leader" from Amazon so hopefully it will arrive today and I can see what it's like...
I don't think this is too much of an issue but I thought I would ask anyway. Blue is now 7 months and about 40Kg so he is a big puppy who is extremely strong. Today he went mental with Bev, doing the biting thing, jumping up, paws on her chest etc and took her ages to get him under control. She...
Hi TinyTom, he sure is, he has a bit of a fan club around here. Everyone seems to know his name, even people I've never met before.
Thanks for the kind words
Thats very useful, I hadn't thought of tin foil. We have 2 stairgazes in place. One to prevent him going in the living room and the other to prevent him getting up the stairs. It's difficult to have some normality in the kitchen because for the past year the house has been torn apart and is now...
He's getting better but he is just so stubborn. I have to drill it into him constantly not to attack the hoover or try and take things off the kitchen worktops. Finally, it's starting to sink in.
We take him to puppy training each week on a Saturday (gun dog training) and thats been a...
Blue is doing well on his raw diet. He has 500g of raw beef mince (80.10.10) for breakfast, another for lunch (or lamb) and about 300g of Millies Wolfheart 50% lamb / 50% veg kibble for his dinner. A have an assortment coming soon so he can have a variety of different flavours going forward...
I've ordered 2 x 12Kg of Millies Wolfheart Lamb & Veg kibble. It was the one which seemed to have the most veg in. I'll switch the Purina stuff out with the Millies as soon as it arrives, hopefully on Friday.
Thank you
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