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  1. chelynnah

    Sensitive issue, need advice

    You are in a tough spot and no one should be judging you, only supporting this hard decision. I'm not sure how to diagnose a brain tumour. Blood tests, X-rays and other scans are involved. It can be costly and generally the prognosis isn't good. I see no reason a vet would judge you, or take...
  2. chelynnah

    My 2year old chihuahua

    I think getting another dog would depend on the reason your partner wanted rid of the first one If there's a chance another chihuahua could cause the same issue then I'd say not to as everyone really needs to be on the same page. If there's no issue with another chi then it might be worth...
  3. chelynnah

    Dog shivering and sore paw

    Do you have any fireworks going off near you during the time she was shivering. Some of mine are terrified of them and will quake all evening even if there's only been one or two. Barring that shivering is also a sign of pain, so if you are at at all concerned I would get her checked out
  4. chelynnah

    Best bedtime approach?

    You are giving him mixed signals. If he is starting in bed with you, then of course that's where he wants to be. If you are going to want him to sleep in his crate (or own bed on the floor when older) rather than in your bed, then you need to start as you mean to go on. Put a nice used...
  5. chelynnah

    My dog has a lump maybe a tumor :-(

    Very worrying, but they are correct in not even considering surgery until the vomiting is under control. Have you gone the route of starving him for 24 hours and then introducing just very plain boiled chicken and rice in small quantities to help rest and restore his gut. It may be that the...
  6. chelynnah

    Sensitive issue, need advice

    Fair enough that he's always been a bit aggressive and you have managed it well. What you describe in the past few weeks seems to have come on out of nowhere, and usually does indicate some kind of medical issue, sometimes something as simple as pain somewhere (sore tummy, small fracture you've...
  7. chelynnah

    Durham dog attack

    His 2 dogs attacked him in Sept and he lost his arm. This month 6 dogs attacked other people. Ironically it was just after he finished an interview about his own attack and saying it was a one off and would never happen again...
  8. chelynnah

    Are these puppies whippets?

    The colour of the one in front doesn't look quite right for a whippet, but everything else on both looks whippety. I suspect they are a mix. However our rescue that got us into whippets was a mix with whippet and I wouldn't have traded her for the world, so don't let that put you off if you...
  9. chelynnah

    Blood in puppy poo - help please!

    If it's bright red blood it's likely to be from the irritation of the runny poo and whatever's going on in her tummy. Runny poo for more than 24 hours is concerning in a young pup. The main concern being dehydration. You need to make sure she is drinking. If it's got worse a visit to an out...
  10. chelynnah

    New potential dog owner. which dog and where to get it?

    I believe what you are referring to as a 'fox red' lab is actually a golden retriever. Labs only come in chocolate, yellow and black. Golden retrievers come in shades from almost white yellow to deep reddy golden. I would say as a first time owner I would go for a lab type over a boxer...
  11. chelynnah


    I would just for peace of mind that if anything ever happened and they somehow got out and didn't return for any reason, they have a permanent form of ID where you could be found and they could be returned to you And if they're doing it free now's as good a time as any
  12. chelynnah

    Patterdale bent front legs

    I'm afraid without further description or photos we can't be of much help, but if you aren't all concerned you should be checking back with the breeder.
  13. chelynnah

    Please help

    I would ask for full blood panel including thyroid and another Lyme test at the very least. Not much help, but I definitely think ite worth rechecking the Lyme, and making sure a full panel is done. On the other hand if they are at the end if their ideas, perhaps it is worth that referral and...
  14. chelynnah

    Powerful torch

    How about a head torch. Leaves your hands free
  15. chelynnah

    Help new puppie

    Puppies are not born knowing right from wrong. What you are describing is normal puppy behaviour. Just like babies they need to be taught and to learn. You'd never leave a newborn or toddler to just figure it out on their own? Rubbing noses in their business may have been the way to do...
  16. chelynnah

    Decision whether to get a puppy

    Couldn't have put it better myself. The fact that you work all day will raise flags with good breeders, but if you go to them with a plan in place, it will show them the commitment you are willing to make and the thought you have put into it. There are many breeders (and most rescues) who...
  17. chelynnah

    Transporting a dog safely

    The problem with boot guards (which do prevent the dog from becoming a projectile) is they don't protect the windows. In a rear collision the windows can (and generally do) blow out which means the dog can still escape. I got a built in car crate very reasonably priced from...
  18. chelynnah

    Labrador keeps collapsing

    I have to say if it was my dog I would be getting it into the vet. Yes it could be EIH, but that's pretty serious too. I'm not one who takes my dogs in for every little thing - I've gotten quite good over the years at treating thin-skinned whippets, but if something like this happened more...
  19. chelynnah

    House training a rescued dog

    It can take a couple of months at least for a rescued dog to settle into their new home. My advice is always to go back to basics. Treat it the way you would treat a puppy being trained for the first time. Sophie has some wonderful advice, so I would just say give it time, restrict his/her...
  20. chelynnah

    Transporting a dog safely

    Also the reflective covers you put on cars, if you put that over or around the crate reflective side in it will reflect her own heat back into the crate. Making a crate pad out of a memory foam mattress topper is a FAB idea both for joint support and warmth!