I would get him to a vet as soon as I could. Puppies systems are not to be messed with and diarrhoea for that long could cause him to be seriously dehydrated.
How long have you had him? It concerns me as puppies ideally shouldn't be going to their homes until at least 8 weeks. Also I'm not...
If it was an adult dog I might not worry too much and ride it out. As it's a baby puppy I would at least talk to the vet and get their opinion. I don't like to mess around when it comes to babies.
Hi - the answer above is probably very similar to what I would have said (though also probably a lot more thorough). There is obviously something about the building that bothers her, and if she's been in other flats with no issues, it may be something as simple as an electrical hum that we...
If it's just yellow bile, and in the mornings this is usually reflux from an empty tummy. Is he fed before is walk, or after? And how late at night is his last feed? This is usually easily solved with the addition of a couple of dog cookies at bedtime, and if you don't want to feed him before...
The fact that she is generally healthy I would go for the surgery, remove the mammary tumours and have her spayed. This is what I would do if she was my dog.
Do you know if she is spayed? Is it worth taking her to the vet for a check? It could be a bladder infection. If she's intact if could be a sign she's hormonal and coming into season, or possibly even has a pyometra which is something you cannot mess with. I would think if it was attention...
This is not uncommon and is a horrible experience to go through. Most euthanasias go peacefully and easily, but a small percentage happen like this. There is nothing your vet did wrong except that they didn't prepare you that this could happen. I'm so sorry you weren't prepared for it. They...
So very sorry that you are going through this. We have not experienced, this, but did have one unexpectedly diagnosed with bone cancer at almost 15. We were only able to have her another 3.5 weeks from diagnosis, but in that time we did all of her favourite things (except long walks), let her...
Perhaps whatever you're using to wash the concrete is affecting him and he doesn't like the smell of it? How long are his nails? Is it uncomfortable for him to be on the concrete?
Is there a small area you could turf just for him? Or maybe put down stone rather than concrete?
I actually...
This is my worst nightmare. I bought my own chip reader and check my girls' chips regularly. And I bring my chip reader with me when I travel across and check their chips before and after. Also did the chip work when the treatments were administrated before crossing back? The vet should have...
Clair it does actually sound like EIH otherwise known as Exercise Induced Hypothermia (or could be hyperthermia). There's a lot of info on it starting to come out and while it's not overly common in whippets it seems it's not uncommon either. There was a call on Whippet World about a year...
I always tell puppy buyers up front about my contract and I email them a generic copy to read before we go any further and before they ever come visit. Then when they pick up the puppy I go through it all with them again. It outlines my responsibility as a breeder (ie I will take the dog back...
My 9yo whippet is like that - mostly when she wants something specific, but she communicates a LOT through whingeing and is the most vocal of my girls. She also has the most colourful language I've ever heard from a dog. She's known as the whingebucket, and the other day I threatened to remove...
I know I'm a bit late to the party, but I have had girls with itchy ears (just barely starting an ear infection) and a course of the drops cleared it right up. You could see the waxy buildup starting even though there was no smell yet. By the time the course finished, their ears were lovely...
It could be either. A lot of times it is food. I try and stay away from foods that have wheat, corn and gluten as the wheat and gluten can be allergens, and corn just passes through and causes bulky movements.
On the other hand with all the rain and stuff we've had there could be stuff coming...
Best I can offer at this point is he will outgrow it. Have you tried the guarantee chew proof beds? I believe it's Orvis who does them. They are expensive but they will replace them if your dog is one of the few who chews it?
Chelsea did the same so we finally loaded her crate with charity...
Did they do any followup with the suspected Lyme? A good vet should never take issue with a second opinion. No one is perfect, and when stumped better safe than sorry.
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