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  1. chelynnah

    Those hiding from human cruelty with dogs

    There's not much I can say but how sorry I am for your experience :(
  2. chelynnah

    Destructive puppy

    Make it a fun place - give her a stuffed kong to keep her busy and active. Chelsea had never been crated in the several months we had her and I just worked hard with her over a weekend. While your girl may howl and carry on while you're there (she wants to be with you) she just might not while...
  3. chelynnah

    What's best for new puppy dog walker, or doggy day care?

    It really does sound like you've truly thought all this out. I like your plan, and I have to say you are exactly the type of person I look for when I have pups available. Good luck with everything and keep us posted. We want pics when the little one comes home.
  4. chelynnah

    Border collie rubbing in muck

    It was brilliant. Prior to that I'd had the most success using washing up liquid as fox poo is so greasy. It's not the healthiest for the dog, but the only thing that really cut through it
  5. chelynnah

    Food advice- my dog keeps being sick

    Ooh I just want to squish that sweet puppy!! Awww :wub: And thank you for the compliment. I appreciate it. I don't get on here as much as I should, but I'm always happy to try to help :)
  6. chelynnah

    Miniture dachshund

    I'm glad you found the problem (though sorry it involves surgery). It's a shame that this has happened so young :( Best of luck on Monday and hope it all goes smoothly. Thanks for updating us
  7. chelynnah

    My dog has died

    I honestly don't think it was to do with the food - it wouldn't happen that quickly, and particularly if your other dog is ok. However both last year and this there have been dogs dying of renal failure after coming into contact with something uknown in the New Forest and other areas. I'm not...
  8. chelynnah

    Destructive puppy

    I know it might be a hard decision, but for his own safety he needs to be in a crate - especially right now at this critical teething time. You may have to train him to it if you haven't already, but it will be a lifesaver - literally. 16 years ago when we had our first pup 'together' we had...
  9. chelynnah

    What's best for new puppy dog walker, or doggy day care?

    Can you do a combination - maybe dogsitter 1 day a week and dogwalker the other? That would be the best of both worlds. He gets used to having to spend some time alone (which all dogs are going to have to no matter what our best intentions ;) ) but also has the positive social aspect of the...
  10. chelynnah

    Miniture dachshund

    Any update?
  11. chelynnah

    Border collie rubbing in muck

    No help I'm afraid. It's an instinctual dog thing and some have it far stronger than others. Best I can offer is a recommendation of Plush Puppy Wonder Wash which is a self-rinsing dog shampoo (so no needing to hose down outside you can just use this). I first used it in the thought I would...
  12. chelynnah

    Food advice- my dog keeps being sick

    Sorry for all the typos. Drawback of answering from my phone (oops). I'm glad to hear he's doing well, so in all likelihood just an acidly empty tum. Give him some smooches for me. I have a soft spot for him, our heart dog (who we lost last year) was a gold coloured whippet cross called...
  13. chelynnah

    Food advice- my dog keeps being sick

    Keep an eye on him, watch that he is eating and drinking and that what is going in is coming out the other end properly. I think I saw on another post that he is eating his bedding so you do want to watch to ensure he doesn't have a blockage. This would show up with not being able to keep food...
  14. chelynnah

    Food advice- my dog keeps being sick

    Fantastic!! I'm so glad to hear it worked. The other concern with them eating so fast is bloat/gastric torsion (which is horrible and life threatening) so I'm thrilled that this feeder made a difference.
  15. chelynnah

    Training to go on the lead

    Glad it went well :) . Even if not included on the official class training I'm sure you could pick their brains for some tips. And not silly at all feeling emotional seeing the gsd pup. It's been just over a year since we lost our special girl and I still get choked up by some of the...
  16. chelynnah

    Training to go on the lead

    Aargh I just wrote a huge long answer and it's disappeared on me Clicker is as positive reward based as you can get. It builds on the type of training you are already doing, but makes it easier for the dog to understand what you are asking for as the clicker can mark the exact moment a...
  17. chelynnah

    Immunology test

    Personally I'm not sure what you're asking. What kind of immunology test? What for? 1 in 3 chance for success of what? Perhaps a bit more information might garner a better response? I certainly can't answer a question I don't understand?
  18. chelynnah

    Training to go on the lead

    Do they wear a collar at other times or is it just the lead they are objecting to? If they only wear a collar when they have a lead, then I suspect it's as much the collar as anything else. As someone else suggested get a cheap leash or longline and get pup used to wearing it loose round the...
  19. chelynnah

    Food advice- my dog keeps being sick

    I hope it works. Let us know :)
  20. chelynnah

    Miniture dachshund

    If there's no real improvement then if it was me I would get an X-ray of the back and the leg. Back problems can be an issue in dachshunds, but if it seems to be the leg there could be other issues. Better safe than sorry