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  1. S

    Lump on dogs leg

    Thank you I will do
  2. S

    Lump on dogs leg

    So I noticed a little lump at the top of my dogs leg at the start of November it was small with a little white head, now it’s bigger (see photo). He is booked into the vets next week, but just wondering if anyone has seen this on their pets before? Thanks
  3. S

    How much food?

    Thank you I really wish they would give you better guidance than they do. I hate to think he may be hungry
  4. S

    How much food?

    Thank you, you can feel his ribs but can’t see them like you say
  5. S

    How much food?

    Thanks for the reply, he is 3
  6. S

    Dreaded Anal Glands/Itchiness

    We use glandex
  7. S

    How much food?

    Hi all hoping some of you can give me advise how much food I should be feeding my dog. He is a cockapoo and weighs 12kg. We feed him Harringtons dry food and wet as a mix. The feeding guides for wet food states for dogs 10-20kg they should have up to 1 1/2 trays of food with dry food, how do I...