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  1. jok

    Dorset County Open Show Dec 08

    What a great weekend you've had, well done girls :cheers:
  2. jok

    Selling Citycroft Coats

    Can those who submit orders through my website make sure that they enter correct email address or i can't get back to you! In case you're a K9er - i had a request from 'Jo' this morning for two purple puppy coats but your email isn't correct so i can't get back to you. We are extremely busy...
  3. jok

    Heart Murmer In A Whippet Puppy

    Yes that's right Pauline. It is quite worrying to be honest that so many vet's do not know this and unduly worry new owners half to death.
  4. jok

    Heart Murmer In A Whippet Puppy

    I honestly feel you are worrying unnecessarily about this. If it was my 10 week old pup and a standard vet told me that, i wouldn't be at all concerned. In America Dr. Rebecca Stepien and Dr. Virginia Luis-Fuentes have been carrying out heart studies in relation to Whippets. Their study at The...
  5. jok

    Selling Citycroft Coats

    I haven't measured but Diego was wearing his by 12 weeks or even younger and he's not a big dog at all :thumbsup:
  6. jok

    Citycroft Little Miss Magic

    Today, Sparkle (Citycroft Little Miss Magic) was Best Puppy in Breed and PG1 at East Midland CS Show. :cheers: Well done Sparkle and her mum, Susie (who is a K9 lurker :p ) Only other result i know is that BOB was Ch Spinneyhill Cinnamon at Hammonds. Im waiting for an updated stacked pic...
  7. jok

    Meet Dermot

    He's a really lovely puppy - i'll look forward to seeing him again soon :wub: New pups always seem to settle in no problem when there's new Whippet friends waiting for them :huggles:
  8. jok

    Stormburst Summer Thyme

    Good lad Quinn :cheers:
  9. jok

    Dishy Dermot

    He's a really lovely little chap - best of luck with him :huggles:
  10. jok

    Finn And Tyg Winn !!

    Don't they look such good boys and what a lovely glossy coat Tyg has got! Well done :huggles: :cheers:
  11. jok

    Loads Of Snowy Pics With....

    Great pictures as usual Debs :thumbsup:
  12. jok

    Should We Get A Whippet?

    Honest answer - yes, i've known quite a few Whippets kill cats. I know mine would if they got the opportunity (but thankfully they haven't). However, despite there being lots of cats in our area, they don't ever come into our back garden, they know they dogs are there so don't risk it. My mum...
  13. jok

    New Fleeces - Thanks Jok!

    Lovely - my favourite pictures are of little pups modelling their coats - very cute :wub:
  14. jok

    Health, The Next Step

    As we've strayed slightly off original topic - reminder for people to contact their breed clubs in relation to health issues and what you want brought forward. If no one shows interest, testing clinics won't get set up! Jan is the Health Officer for NCWC and i know she is working tirelessly...
  15. jok

    Health, The Next Step

    The proper reaons and not my rubbish attempts at explaining. Obviously a very useful tool and as i said, it's what the cardio recommended :thumbsup: * The size and outline of the heart. Changes in the size and shape of the heart may indicate a variety of conditions, such as heart failure...
  16. jok

    Health, The Next Step

    Yes, put in a nutshell i suppose that is exactly what it is for!! :cheers: I do remember him commenting on size in relation to the chest cavity etc so that is what he must have been looking at. When you think about it, scanning the heart alone will not be able to look at it in comparison of...
  17. jok

    Health, The Next Step

    As Ruby's was normal, i don't know what particular problems he was looking for. He had initially intended to do 2 x-rays but after the first one said he didn't need to do the other. When i was talked through her results i was shown the picture and pointed out the completely normal shape and...
  18. jok

    Health, The Next Step

    Yes, brilliant if that sort of data is available. I couldn't find it on the website though but i would really like to see it. Our experience was having an experienced cardiologist be able to say Ruby had a healthy heart free from disease, clear valves, no thickening or narrowing in the wrong...
  19. jok

    Health, The Next Step

    Wendy please don't think im being rude that im questioning this. I have already contacted Karen a couple of weeks back. I have looked at the Whippet Health Foundation. If someone can put me wrong then great - but i didn't think that the testing done at The Whippet National was as extensive at...
  20. jok

    Health, The Next Step

    Wendy i've looked and questions have been asked, although yes they do a lot more testing than us in America - the extensive testing that Ruby and Dexter have had is not common place so there isn't the stacks of data you may expect.