Ahh Bless them im glad things will be better for you all this year :D
I will be as bad as u before long lol but im sure once i get my new pup and take lots of pictures i will prob leave it on of him :D
Ahh no thats such a shame hope u find a nice home for him/her im sure someone out there will snap the little thing up.
Tis just a shame you dont live a little closer lol or i might have been tempted. Good luck in finding a home they all look soo cute.
yeh i think most people will be watching it but its no my cup of tea lol Im going to start looking at what type of collars or harnesses are best for the pup for when he can go outside for walks lol.
Wow thats cool, My uncle has quite a few tattoo's and ive always liked them but apart from Handprint ive never been sure of what else i would like so untill something reallly catches my eye ill not be getting one. Youll have to try and get some pics on ere of them.
Yeh ive got a heart with a dagger going through it with flames around it on my arm (got that when i was young and not so wise LOL) and also got Sons Handprint just above my boob, hopefully will get somemore once ive decided what lol.How about you??
Ah right, i can understand that the lad who done my Sons Handprint isnt that good at free handing letters as i wanted my sons name and DOB so either i have to find the right size and font i want or get someone else to do it. but its nice that they say if they arnt too sure about doing certin...
Yup defo :D just wish i had of had the money to go over there and get my sons portrate done from her, I settled for getting his hand print instead as dont think id trust anyone else to do a really good job of it lol
I was starting to think i would never find anyone breeding whippets in my local area untill i came across Kris, ive waited so long to find someone and now i have to wait for them to be born, im so impatient pmsl i hate waiting for anything :( but im sure he/she will be well worth the wait
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