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  1. M

    Stud Dog

    The `All Ireland` in Shanes Castle is a grand title, but the real competions take place in Roscrea and Enniscorthy. Scooby proved himself time and time again to be the best in the Country. He had a couple of close runs along the way but always pulled out that bit extra when needed ! 5 runs over...
  2. M

    Irish Game & Country Fair

    Wont make it for the racing then as i`m coming back from Portugal Saturday evening ! Pity ! Was going to bring my new pup Ginger Jack down for a day out ! When you hoping to run another meeting Shane ?
  3. M

    Irish Game & Country Fair

    What day is the racing on ?
  4. M

    What Dog Is This????? From A While Ago

    Thought it was Harvel ? ?
  5. M

    What Dog Is This????? From A While Ago

    Soon as I saw it knew it was Silver Stream ! One of the best to ever race !
  6. M

    Most Sucessful Ped Racing Whippet Of All Time

    Give me a clue Rob ! Any from my era 1974-1980 ? Don`t know did Tipper win a 30lb Group ? Unbeatable in the 28lb Group ! Also Teddy Flash may have have won in 2 Groups ?
  7. M

    What`s On This Sunday ?

    Im afraid it`s Wimbledon for me on Saturday and Gloucester is too far of a drive for me from the Dartford Tunnel area on Sunday ! Sick to death of driving all the time at home ! Was hoping for something in the Kent, Sussex area ! Hope everyone has a good weekend !
  8. M

    Most Sucessful Racing Whippet

    Best I saw was Trisha Billinghams RCh Silver Stream. Awesome and the ones the Besaps couldn`t beat ! Would love to see dogs once they have `proved` themselves the best in a weight group, move on up to the next group a bit like the boxers, now that would find you the best !
  9. M

    What`s On This Sunday ?

    I don`t know ? Which one you going to Jacquie ? Seems strange to have two big meetings on the one day, fairly close to one another ? Totally out of touch with the Whippet Racing the last few years !
  10. M

    What`s On This Sunday ?

    I`m coming over to the Greyhound Derby this Saturday at Wimbledon. What`s on this Sunday and where also the start time ? Thanks !
  11. M

    A. I Northern Ireland

    Try Brian Jones in Newry ! 028 30 252000 Ancu Veterinary Hospital 15, New Street, Newry BT35 6JD
  12. M

    Annual Irish Coursing Club Championship Dundalk

    A nice picture of Ronan and Paul Smith with the `big` winner Tower Cross ! A former resident of mine !!!! :thumbsup:
  13. M

    Early Pace Or Strong Finish

    Speaking of early pace and Mineola Farloe, here`s my mate Ningbo Jack who I have the priviledge to look after !;name=WILLIAM HILL GREYHOUND DERBY 1st 1/4 FINAL
  14. M

    Irish Derby

    Not great quality, but.....................
  15. M

    Irish Derby

    A fantastic occasion and a great winner !
  16. M

    Aww!!daisy Meets Tweed-aka Pam

    Trying to PM you Amanda, but can`t seem to be able to send it ????
  17. M

    Margaret Baker, Casaloma

    Yes a real Lady ! I remember Margaret and WCRCh Sailor as a young lad when I statred Whippet Racing in the mid 70`s and I can remember Sailor being `walked` up the track at Fetchem in Surrey as a veteran to gain his 50th club win ! I was talking to her 7-8 years ago at an Open in Andover and...
  18. M

    Our New Greyhound Pup

    She`s by Ningbo Jack-Delwood Cathrine Sept`08. I still have 2 dogs and a bitch here from the same litter being reared !
  19. M


    All you want to know about corns ! Regards, Martin.
  20. M

    Soooooo Excited-i,m Getting A Retired Greyhound

    I`ll get you another one called Beauty for you Amanda !!!!!!! :D