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  1. M

    Soooooo Excited-i,m Getting A Retired Greyhound

    I`ve been calling her Beauty ! No wonder she looks at me funny ! :D
  2. M

    Soooooo Excited-i,m Getting A Retired Greyhound

    You must be excited Amanda when you posted it THREE times !!!!!! :D :D :D
  3. M

    Greyhound Transport Ireland Britain

    Who has the puppy in Roscommon ? The transporters who service the Roscommon area don`t go down the M4 as they come in from Liverpool. The lads from down southern Ireland, like Ben McBride come in through Fishguard and travel your way on their way to London. You will need the pup to be sent...
  4. M

    Transporting A Dog To The Uk From Republic Of Ireland

    From Tipperary Ben McBride 00353 876291861 Where abouts in Roscommon as that`s where I live ?
  5. M


    I lost my young dog Nandrolone to at 5 years of age !;x=29&y=11 Couldn`t believe it when it was diagnosed ! Kept him for a few more weeks and the day I saw him look sick when he couldn`t finish his dinner, I knew the time had come to say good bye...
  6. M

    Your Help Would Be Appreciated !

    It finishes Friday night so a few more `hits` if you can ! Thanks !
  7. M

    Your Help Would Be Appreciated !

    As many of you will be aware, my son Gavin is the one who takes the photos that I post up here on K9. He is currently in DCU doing a scholarship course in Biomedical Diagnostics and part of the course was to produce a short video clip on disease prevention. The clip has been posted on You Tube...
  8. M

    Your Help Would Be Appreciated !

    As many of you will be aware, my son Gavin is the one who takes the photos that I post up here on K9. He is currently in DCU doing a scholarship course in Biomedical Diagnostics and part of the course was to produce a short video clip on disease prevention. The clip has been posted on You Tube...
  9. M

    Your Help Would Be Appreciated !

    As many of you will be aware, my son Gavin is the one who takes the photos that I post up here on K9. He is currently in DCU doing a scholarship course in Biomedical Diagnostics and part of the course was to produce a short video clip on disease prevention. The clip has been posted on You Tube...
  10. M

    Your Help Would Be Appreciated !

    As many of you will be aware, my son Gavin is the one who takes the photos that I post up here on K9. He is currently in DCU doing a scholarship course in Biomedical Diagnostics and part of the course was to produce a short video clip on disease prevention. The clip has been posted on You Tube...
  11. M

    Red Mills Greyhound Food

    I have hundreds of them bar codes here ! Offer doesn`t apply here anymore ! Send me your name and address and how many you need and i`ll put them in the post to you ! Regards, Martin.
  12. M

    10,000 Hits On You Tube !

    Thanks Judy ! Knew I could count on you ! :D
  13. M

    10,000 Hits On You Tube !

    I`m delighted to say that we`ve just recored our 10,000th `hit` on You Tube ! Not exactly Susan Boyle numbers, but nonetheless a decent amount ! Many thanks to Alan and Stella from Greyhound View for doing such an excellent job the day they came down !
  14. M

    10,000 Hits On You Tube !

    I`m delighted to say that we`ve just recored our 10,000th `hit` on You Tube ! Not exactly Susan Boyle numbers, but nonetheless a decent amount ! Many thanks to Alan and Stella from Greyhound View for doing such an excellent job the day they came down !
  15. M

    10,000 Hits On You Tube !

    I`m delighted to say that we`ve just recored our 10,000th `hit` on You Tube ! Not exactly Susan Boyle numbers, but nonetheless a decent amount ! Many thanks to Alan and Stella from Greyhound View for doing such an excellent job the day they came down !
  16. M

    10,000 Hits On You Tube !

    I`m delighted to say that we`ve just recored our 10,000th `hit` on You Tube ! Not exactly Susan Boyle numbers, but nonetheless a decent amount ! Many thanks to Alan and Stella from Greyhound View for doing such an excellent job the day they came down !
  17. M

    All Irelands

    Just `winding` you up Billy ! In fairness Billy, it was Derry Seamus told me about not Lifford, I was booking a dog in with him today and he confirmed that ! In fact he could even tell me what times they did ! !
  18. M

    All Irelands

    Your right Billy, John Mahers dog is Scooby, his smaller dog is Blackie ! Shame if you don`t run your dogs Billy, as you missed the last meeting in Roscrea as well, but I can see where your coming from ! Seamus the transporter told me today that your dogs have been flying around Lifford in...
  19. M

    Taking A K9 Break For A While

    I reckon he`ll be back within a week, ten days top ! Especially if China defends her title on Saturday ! :D Throw in a few `socialables` :cheers: over the weekend ! What do you think `Stormy` ?
  20. M

    All Irelands

    John Mahers dog Blackie from Roscrea is the one to beat in the overs ! Winner of THREE big competitions down South, it will take a good one to lower his colours ! A black bitch from Enniscorthy can also run a bit, but she`s only just out of season. However, she destroyed all the top local dogs...