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  1. L

    Merry Christmas From Blue And Alfie

    These pictures are to die for . . . Hope you have a happy and peaceful Christmas and all the best for 2010. :D Mine has already curled up in anticipation of Santa's arrival. As you can see, very now and then she takes a peek to see if he hasn't delivered her toys and treats yet . . . .
  2. L

    My Beautiful Little Girl Grows Up . . . .

    I keep telling her, "Little girls don't sit like that!!"
  3. L

    My Beautiful Little Girl Grows Up . . . .

    SORRY for posting the duplicate picture :b . I meant to post another one :(
  4. L

    My Beautiful Little Girl Grows Up . . . .

    A year ago she was just a handful of puppy, and look at her now . . . . :)
  5. L

    Attaching Photos To Mails In Personal Messenger

    Can anyone please help me? How do I attach a photo to a reply I want to mail someone in Personal Messenger? :b :b
  6. L

    Roma Wright-smith

    Silly me, I've gone and lost Roma's contact details :( . I dearly want to contact her, but living abroad it's impossible to even get her phone number without her address, so I'm l-o-s-t. Can someone please help me . . . .
  7. L

    A Bit Of Festive Fun With The Emoticons

    Hi all, I hope you all have a festive season filled with PLENTY of this :) , and this :D . May you have NONE of this :( , or this :angry: , and definitely not this :rant: . Remember that too much bubbly may make you feel like this :wacko: , or this :teehee: or even...
  8. L

    A Few More Close Ups Of The Boys In The Snow

    Hi, the boys do indeed look very handsome, and you look nice and warm and snug yourself. Forgive the ignorance, but who is who among the guys :b
  9. L

    The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul

    Beloved Artemis Firecracker (Devon) of Sunwalkers who passed just over a year ago.
  10. L

    The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul

    He's not exactly a spring chicken, but these are the most HONEST eyes I've seen. His name is "Tut" (short for Tutankhamen :o ) and with him it's always a case of "what you see is what you get".
  11. L

    Top Whippets In 2009 In Usa

    Thanks Jenny, I don't know if they have a pointscoring system in the States, but I am actualy looking for somenting more like the "Breed Leaderboard" they have in Australia. You can see it here Perhaps I should switch this topic the...
  12. L

    The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul

    "SIMPLY THE VEY BEST PLACE IN THE WORLD - mom's shoulder." :) :) :)
  13. L

    The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul

    How about adding the official name of the dog if I he/she has one? The picture are so stunning , it would be nice to know who the dogs are.
  14. L

    Top Whippets In 2009 In Usa

    Has someone perhaps got a link for me to a site where I can see the top winning whippets in the USA in the past year. Preferably with pics, pedigrees, etc.
  15. L

    The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul

  16. L

    The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul

    I JUST LOVE THIS ONE - All the wisdom in the world is in those eyes
  17. L

    The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul

    Some more to melt the heart . . . .
  18. L

    The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul

    And here is my girl, KIMI.
  19. L

    The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul

    They do just melt your heart, don't they?
  20. L

    Some Puppy Pics

    THEY ARE INDEED LOVELY PUPS!! Who are the dam and sire?