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  1. Tigernidster

    Behaviour advice needed please

    Nothing to add to the excellent advice already given. Just wanted to say that I hope you can get to the root of the problem for your sake as well as your dog's. You sound to me like a very caring owner.
  2. Tigernidster

    Dog Wardens - Are they Doing Their Job Properly?

    I reported a dog that was allowed to roam around our village. The dog warden spoke to the owner. Next time it was out I phoned the dog warden to be told that he couldn't talk to the owner again as "that would be harassment". We have dog fouling all over the place but as doesn't happen between 9...
  3. Tigernidster

    Then and Now - Dogs from Puppies to Adults!

    Just found this - Joss at just a few weeks old!!
  4. Tigernidster

    Then and Now - Dogs from Puppies to Adults!

    Thank you Alison! Joss was and still is very naughty indeed but after all she's been through it delights me! xx
  5. Tigernidster

    Then and Now - Dogs from Puppies to Adults!

    Lily aged 9 weeks and 4 years old. Joss aged 9 weeks and 3 years old.
  6. Tigernidster

    Then and Now - Dogs from Puppies to Adults!

    All gorgeous! Fern is absolutely stunning! xx
  7. Tigernidster

    Does Anyone Have Any Other Pets?

    They are beautiful! xx
  8. Tigernidster

    Does Anyone Have Any Other Pets?

    Yes - you do, and lots of other checks too! Plus you need quite a lot of equipment, such as a good sumped tank, a protein skimmer, live sand, live rock (for filtration) etc. I have a Bangaii Cardinal, a Bi-coloured Angel, a Bi coloured Blenny, an Orchid Dottyback, a Blue Assessor, a Labouti...
  9. Tigernidster

    Does Anyone Have Any Other Pets?

    Yes they are! Quite a challenge actually and rather time consuming!
  10. Tigernidster

    Does Anyone Have Any Other Pets?

    Marine fish - I have 8 at the moment as well as 4 assorted shrimps!
  11. Tigernidster

    A rant about dog adoption!

    How sickening - I can well understand your anger. Sadly it is something that happens on a daily basis. I don't know why people don't do their homework before taking on a dog (or any animal for that matter) and realise that it is a commitment for the life of that creature. Poor little dog - I do...
  12. Tigernidster

    Mini Schnauzer Won't Come Back

    Typical mini! Mine would do exactly the same! Good advice from Anna - stick with the training - they are strong minded little dogs - even if they are only half mini! Looking forward to seeing the photos!
  13. Tigernidster

    Law About Dogs In Car?

    Your dog should be secured in the back with a fitted seatbelt, as much for your sake as its own. In an accident a dog can become a missile and cause injury or death. Mine travel in the rear behind a dog guard. We have a fitted tail guard as well in case of rear impact and possible escape on to a...
  14. Tigernidster

    A Few Questions.....

    Your back garden will be fine - he'l need to let of steam and have a run around and that's the ideal place to do it! You will want to get him into the habit of knowing that is where he has to ask to "go" so pop him out as often as you can - on waking, after food, after play sessions. In fact, as...
  15. Tigernidster

    A Few Questions.....

    Congratulations of the imminent arrival of your new pup - you must be very excited! A crate is marvellous for a puppy - if it is used the right way. It should be introduced as a safe haven with her bed inside and a warm cover over it - not a prison, and the puppy should quickly become...
  16. Tigernidster

    Help Required Please

    I have just read through this thread with an increasing forbodeing and now my heart is breaking for you and your brave girl. Your actions throughout Tilly's illness have been exemplary - I am sure you did the right thing by her every step of the way. Run free at the Bridge, lovely Tilly. xx
  17. Tigernidster

    Owners’ Horror As Dog Savaged In Park

    It is appalling yes - quite horrifying - but the brush off of "dog on dog" attack is out of order. These people should demand that the police warn the owners of the dog which did this, and also get their local dog warden on board. No one should be fobbed off in situations like this - the dog is...
  18. Tigernidster

    What's Your Favourite Dog Film?

    A very old one - The Incredible Journey - the original version. I believe Disney remade it in 2006 but I haven't seen that version.
  19. Tigernidster

    Dog Art - Do You Have Any?

    It really is stunning. We have "Scamper" as well as another of Lottie in oils.
  20. Tigernidster

    Dog Art - Do You Have Any?

    Thank you Clair. Me too - I'll have to prise her away from Friday first!! Graeme's picture of Nockie was by her, wasn't it? It was lovely.