Thank you again for your responses! I haven’t tried a non car walk today because of the rain and wind. I know I’d have no chance as I believe that’s what his first trigger was that caused this but the weather is looking better tomorrow so I’ll start with the treats then. I’m going to get my...
Sorry I didn’t respond to the garden play we have been doing that but I worry it can make him aggressive as he isn’t a dog that fetches he just grabs and fights with a ball which can hype him up too much to bring inside to
Be with a baby in the house x
Thank you that’s such a good response! He’s always been scared of rain so he will hold a wee for hours if it means not going outside. He’s definitely not in pain as he’s usually fine on all the walks that aren’t near the house and possibly today he got scared by the factory sounds ♀️ he really...
Hi everyone, I have a 4 year old staffy cross. He hasn’t always been the easiest dog to walk for pulling but was always sociable and happy to go out. A few months ago he just refused to leave the house unless it was in the car. Even then he shakes on the way to the car until he knows hers going...
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