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  1. fallenangel

    Camping Events Fordingbridge Wrc

    Book us in for the full 12 days I will post check first thing we loved it last years
  2. fallenangel

    Avit X Pennysworth

    the little girls a lovely colour so sweet she has a bindy on the top of her head that cuite
  3. fallenangel

    Avit X Pennysworth

    well done all the pups look lovely all the bst with them
  4. fallenangel

    Pups Born Avit And Hellish

    all the puos have homes geoff were keeping 2 the blue and white girl and one of he black boys and jacs is having the other black boy. its worked out well realy dont have to worry about fineding the right homes for any other. there all doing realy well gaining weight both boys were 12oz yetrday...
  5. fallenangel

    Pups Born Avit And Hellish

    We are realy pleased to say Dobbie and Ruby have 3 lovely pups born thursday 4th first pup a blue and white party girl was born at 1.30 am weighed 11.2 shes staying with us and is called Pheobe next pup a black boy born at 2 am weighed 9oz 3rd pup a black boy born at 2 35am weighed 10.2 one...
  6. fallenangel

    Avit X Hellish

    she was lines the satrday at the scottish darby so does not seam that long ago and it has gone realy fast up till monday and now its realy dragging but i think thats cos were on 24 7 watch now lol
  7. fallenangel

    Avit X Hellish

    I actuly manedged to log in lol. were just waiting now shes officily due satrday. but Ruby being its anyones bet lol. shes done realy well and keeped her condtion. we have been told shes blooming but she was very fit and won the vets a couple of days before she broke so was race fit. we are...
  8. fallenangel

    Anyone Know Sharron Brown??

    she added me as soon as i got back from scotland. i can narrow it down quiet well with what she new about the scotland. Iv blocked her she tryed adding tony today but hes declined
  9. fallenangel

    Avit X Pennysworth

    Good luck with the litter. Looks like the poor lads going to be warn out at this rate lol. I bet he thinks bitches ate like buses lol.
  10. fallenangel

    Avit X Hellish

    And and solid colours lol. Were not all party nuts lol. To be honest I don't care if there pink with blues spots lol.
  11. fallenangel

    Avit X Hellish

    were keeping everything crossed here
  12. fallenangel

    Scarf For Scotland

    There are 7 left some chenille some the random colour yarn. Most I can't get the yarn again so there will be no more of those colours.
  13. fallenangel

    A & T Miners Wrc

    well done everyone even the sun came out and i must say watching from a caravan window makes it all look like its on wide screen TV. we are both still grining over Rubys hellish vets win we keep retiring her and then bring her back for the A&T so at 7 shes done a fab time in her heat dont...
  14. fallenangel

    Scarf For Scotland

    Hi I think some of you missed marie post saying i would be bringing some scarfs to scotland so if anyone wants one come to the pink caravan dont know how many i will have finished by then but will do as many as possible
  15. fallenangel

    Transports Needed From Northwest To Scotland

    I will get one of theses as well and leave tony home
  16. fallenangel

    Transports Needed From Northwest To Scotland

    you cant tow a traler behind a caravan and it cant go in the caravan as it then makes it overweight for towing. I cant used hire ones there set wrong mines been adapted. if i cant get it there i will just have to use the wheelchair. just tryed incase theres someone with room on the off chance
  17. fallenangel

    Transports Needed From Northwest To Scotland

    Not for a dog or person but for my mobility scooter. I realy could do with it up at the scotland but have no chance of fitting it in with us 8 dogs in a ford focus estate. if anyones got room in there van tony will bring it to you pull it apart pack it in your van and do the same the other...
  18. fallenangel

    Vivs Merlin

    so sorry to here about your sad loss xxx
  19. fallenangel

    Bwra Champs

    take a watering can and roll back your awaing floor and get a frendly hand to poor the watre its what we used to to in the tent at lurcher shows never any showers there and it will be the same at the champs cos our old van doesnt have a shower if you have kids get one of them £1 little paddling...
  20. fallenangel

    Scottish Derby Info

    got to say the travelers didnt realy bother us i was not happy with the speed they were driving past the whippet racers vans and when one of the fellas came past and said hi to a group of us we asked him to a tell his group to drvie slowly near the racers vans and they did. there was a little...