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  1. Rocky Rescue

    Hi from me and my dog

    Hi and welcome to the forum from Rocky and me
  2. Rocky Rescue

    Newbie just saying hiya

    Hi and welcome to the forum from Rocky and me. They are both gorgeous
  3. Rocky Rescue

    Hello from me

    Hi and welcome to the forum from Rocky and me. Would love to see some pics of your girl.
  4. Rocky Rescue

    Just joined - hello and help

    Hi and welcome to the forum from Rocky and me. I would go with the advice above, that makes sense to me.
  5. Rocky Rescue

    Could it really be summer

    Took Rocky out for his morning walk today and I was almost convinced it was summertime, there was this big bright orange coloured thing in the sky. We had a lovely walk along the river and Rocky got to see one of his girlfriends so he was very happy himself, this lady always gives him a treat...
  6. Rocky Rescue

    Dr who - whats going on?

    This is a bit confusing, at the end of the series of Dr Who it was sort of implied that John Hurt would be the new Doctor. Mat smith has definitely left the show but still not too sure if John is the new one or not ????
  7. Rocky Rescue

    Fabtastic paintings

    Same as, i don't like the ones in clothing but the others are very good
  8. Rocky Rescue

    Hi ya everyone

    Hi and welcome to the forum from Rocky and me
  9. Rocky Rescue

    Enjoying life with my new puppy

    Hi and welcome to the forum from Rocky and me Hope you get on better this time
  10. Rocky Rescue

    Happy birthday dude!

    Hope you have a very Happy Birthday, Rocky also sends hugs your way
  11. Rocky Rescue

    Hi, I would like to introduce our charitable scheme

    Hi and welcome to the forum from Rocky and me. I hope you get the valuable funds needed to continue your good work.
  12. Rocky Rescue

    Finally, got photos of sam the whippet

    Ahhh she is gorgeous, thanks for sharing your pics
  13. Rocky Rescue

    The warm weather and our dogs

    I take Rocky out earlier in the mornings now when it's a bit cooler, I always carry water with me in the backpack with one of those fabric water bowls from Go Outdoors, see link below
  14. Rocky Rescue

    Worst job you did.

    My worst job ever......................................... takes some thinking about as I've had a few bad ones. Worst one must have been working in a food processing factory about 20 years ago.............. I still have the nightmares about that one. Making up cardboard boxes at the end of a...
  15. Rocky Rescue

    Its friday.................................

    Friday is the day to be excited i think, and it's a long weekend too. Might pack up a pic nic sometime and head out for a good ramble with Rocky and my hubby. Have to make the most of this glorious sunshine.
  16. Rocky Rescue

    My dog in the car

    I thought it was law that you had to have your dog under control whilst they are in the car too by means of a seat belt clip of some kind. We have Rockys seat belt clip fixed to his harness for travelling. It's all well and good trusting your own driving skills but can you trust those of other...
  17. Rocky Rescue

    Hello from a newbie

    Hi and welcome to the forum from Rocky and me
  18. Rocky Rescue

    Nicknames for your dog(s)

    Rocky is Mr Snugglebumpkins when he is sleeping on my lap in the evenings :*
  19. Rocky Rescue

    Hello from me and tia :)

    Hi and welcome to the forum from Rocky and me