i'm so sorry! this must be heart breaking for you! and yes we all understand on this site! there not just dogs there our babies and my whole life! I feel for you at this time and i hope you take it easy and look after your others and love them just as much! :( xxx
good point made by themetalchicken about giving your puppy raw meat like that would cause diahorrea striaght away way to rich and should be weaned slowly when changing diets! :thumbsup:
Hey sadie luigi is hitting 5 months and im having th same problem. They go through that lanky stage. Instead of cows milk mix it with goats milk. Cows milk isn't good for them as its to high in lactose. Just a little tip. Also i personally wouldn't give mine wheat a bix due to it being exactly...
Dabroad, yes dogs do growl and pin each other by the throat, they also eat dog food out of bowls on the floor, sniff and lick each others bums and delight in rolling in fox poo, do you? I'm fairly certain that your dogs know you are not a dog and will be confused if you try to behave like one...
You just wouldn't ever see a wild dog or a pet dog saying to one another "Now you do that again and your going to be put in your crate or ignored" hahahaha They pin each other down by the throat and they growl they donot reason! I'm not agressive with my dogs and they follow me everywhere! You...
it's all about the person me thinks! If the person isn't doing the technique correctly or hasn't the enegry needed then it's not going to work! Just because someone's a huge fan of cesar doesn't mean they know how to perform the techniques correctly or with the right energy. I believe a dog...
Cesar is amazing i don't care what anybody says about him i use his techniques and they work every time! Just so you know he owns an italian greyhound becoz i see it frequently in his programmes sitting on his lap!
If anybody watched a real life wolf pack or even a demesticated dog pack you...
How cute! My lui is going through the teething stage with the ears coming up some days ones up ones down lol. My bitch's ears are permantly up she looks like a fruit bat hahahahahaha bless her. He's lovely looking boy! looks like a troglet :thumbsup: x
Can i just say as i used to sell these myself that they are good and do work but...... here comes the but....... be careful as they can rub around the eyes and cause some discomfort! They will try to get it off when you first put it on no doubt they will try to paw it off claw it off and rub it...
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