Ah good to hear you all had a good day, we'll make it down sometime soon I hope :thumbsup: . We had rain here today but it sunny at times too, better that than snow or volcanic ash i suppose!
So glad they've arrived poor girl looked fit to burst! Sorry about the wee lass April :( , but the other all look strong and healthy :thumbsup:
Hmm names... yes I like Ash for a boy too, very apt for the news today! will have to have a think about some more.
So glad she's safe with you guys now. What a sweet face :wub: and she does look huge!
:luck: Good luck with the whelping, I hope it all goes safe and smooth.
Good to see you back up and runnin' :thumbsup: . Hope to make it down in the next few weeks, Luna's in season just now. I will bring our baby blue lurcher boy Mojo (aka Gnasher) for some cuddles :wub: .
Great to see them all having such a good time... what a lovely bunch and as for amazing macey.... that's so nice to hear she's made such a miraculous recovery.
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