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  1. julie_s

    Minstrel Miss

    So sorry. Run Free Beautiful Sasha
  2. julie_s

    My New Pup

    Such lovely puppies :wub: I really like rocky's markings and mum is gorgeous.
  3. julie_s

    My New Pup

    Lovely puppy Chris :wub: he looks like he's going to be a big boy. You'll have to get some body shots too... is he mostly white?
  4. julie_s

    Penny Is 7 Today

    :wub: Belated Birthday Wishes Pretty Penny :wub: love the new collar :))
  5. julie_s

    We Are Happy :)

    They are both lovely... Congratulations on your fabulous wins.
  6. julie_s

    Results 16th May

    Sounds like a houndtastic day! See you in a couple of weeks.
  7. julie_s

    Strippoker's Knickerbocker 7 Weeks

    He's gorgeous... :wub: love those dark eyes, lovely photos!
  8. julie_s

    Fiebe Turns 4

    Happy birthday Fiebe gorgeous girl :wub: , great birthday cakes (w00t) :thumbsup:
  9. julie_s

    Snoozing Puppies

    So lovely :wub: , they look very content molly is obviously a great mummy. Dilly's babes are just gorgeous too :wub: .
  10. julie_s

    Sunday's Racing

    Ah good to hear you all had a good day, we'll make it down sometime soon I hope :thumbsup: . We had rain here today but it sunny at times too, better that than snow or volcanic ash i suppose!
  11. julie_s

    Naming Molly's Babies

    So glad they've arrived poor girl looked fit to burst! Sorry about the wee lass April :( , but the other all look strong and healthy :thumbsup: Hmm names... yes I like Ash for a boy too, very apt for the news today! will have to have a think about some more.
  12. julie_s


    Poor smartie, hope he's back with you soon and his recovery goes well.
  13. julie_s

    Scruples Whippet Rescue

    So glad she's safe with you guys now. What a sweet face :wub: and she does look huge! :luck: Good luck with the whelping, I hope it all goes safe and smooth.
  14. julie_s

    Start Of The Season 2010

    Good to see you back up and runnin' :thumbsup: . Hope to make it down in the next few weeks, Luna's in season just now. I will bring our baby blue lurcher boy Mojo (aka Gnasher) for some cuddles :wub: .
  15. julie_s

    Dora's Pups

    Lovely babes... sorry about the two that didn't make it :( and you're right not to dwell. Red fawn parti for me... gorgeous :wub:
  16. julie_s

    Amazing Macey And Friends

    Great to see them all having such a good time... what a lovely bunch and as for amazing macey.... that's so nice to hear she's made such a miraculous recovery.
  17. julie_s

    Peppermint Lass &npvc Whiphaven Mighty Mouse

    So glad they all arrived safely and Grace has come through it so well. Such bonny babies look forward to watching them grow.
  18. julie_s

    Peppermint Lass

    :luck: Good Luck I hope it all goes well! :luck:
  19. julie_s

    Santas Early Delivery !!!!!!!!

    Congratulations :D glad they all arrived safely.
  20. julie_s

    Dido The Lurcher

    She was the best sweetest big girl always ready for a hug. Our thoughts with Peter, Duncan and family. Run free dearest dido.